ChrisNZL / Tallowmere2

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Android: Add option to toggle "Sustained Performance Mode" #1103

Closed ChrisNZL closed 1 year ago

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Currently 0.3.6c, the game has Unity's SetSustainedPerformanceMode set to true, configured in the Editor's Project Settings > Player > Android Other Settings section.

It seems this option can be toggled @ runtime.

Have had a report where the game gets slower and slower, and eventually freezing... Kind of wonder if it's this option causing issues.


This is an Android-specific option.

Unity forum thread: Anyone released with Sustained Performance Mode enabled?

I suggest NOT to use Sustained Performance Mode when building for VR devices , where even a 10-15 FPS drop can be annoying. In my tests, the average framerate was about 15-20 FPS lower than the maximum supported by the headsets.

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago


High Performance is enabled by default.