ChrisNZL / Tallowmere2

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Debug Log: ArgumentException: Mesh can not have more than 65000 vertices #1119

Open ChrisNZL opened 1 year ago

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Auto report. iOS. 0.3.6c. Feedback ID 0.3.6C_20221020-FG87M

There's an extremely long string in the player's Debug Log for line starting with receipt: {"Payload":" ...


6:00:17, Frame 133565, EXCEPTION »  ArgumentException: Mesh can not have more than 65000 vertices
>>>>> CRITICAL ERROR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.FillMesh (UnityEngine.Mesh mesh)
UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.DoMeshGeneration ()
UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.Rebuild (UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate update)
UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry.PerformUpdate ()
T2.CanvasMenuItemPanel.UpdateMenuItemAppearances (System.Boolean updateTextOnly)
T2.CanvasMenu.UpdateAppearanceParts (T2.CanvasMenuParts parts, System.Boolean updateTextOnly)
T2.CanvasMenu.LateUpdate ()
T2.CanvasMenu:UpdateAppearanceParts(CanvasMenuParts, Boolean)

GameStates: ShowingTitleScreen, UsingMainMenu
OnlineGameInfo: Device is offline.
No previous server nor online game info.
CanvasMenu.CurrentCategory: AdvancedOptions
SystemPlayer InputDevice: Touchscreen
AccountDisplayName: XXXXX
UserIsCoreSupporter: True
CoreSupporterPack_TransactionIDHash: XXXXX
ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Slight adjustment in 0.3.7a: Removed receipt info from being logged.

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Additional error, Steam, 0.3.7a, feedback ID 0.3.7a_20221029-347BB

Log contains a lot of multi-line entries (regarding SQL Leaderboard debugging).

May need to paginate the log, or count number of characters per log entry and restrict the view by that.

Unity does not do a great job of masking / preventing off-screen characters from being rendered when it comes to text.