ChrisNZL / Tallowmere2

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Android: [EGL] Unable to acquire context: EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW #1128

Closed ChrisNZL closed 1 year ago

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Auto report, 0.3.7, feedback IDs 0.3.7_20221031-86462, 0.3.7a_20221105-VSKJ2

Googling around, seems like this is some Android / Unity issue. Uncommon. Some old issue about it back in 2015.

Have only had one report of this happen thus far for the game.

Given the user has the pause menu displayed, suggests they were returning to the game, and the error occurred.

6:35:51, Frame 80698, ERROR »  [EGL] Unable to acquire context: EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW: A NativeWindowType argument does not refer to a valid native window.
>>>>> CRITICAL ERROR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

GameStates: RompingThroughDungeon, UsingMiniPauseMenu
OnlineGameInfo: Device is offline.
No previous server nor online game info.
GameSetupMode: Singleplayer
Players: 1
DungeonRoomTransitioner.state: Null
DungeonRoom.state: Ready
Room: 5 / 5
RoomModifiers: None
YouHaveDiedState: Null
SystemPlayer InputDevice: Touchscreen
HumanPlayer 1 InputDevice: Touchscreen
ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Created a Unity forum thread about this, as this has been happening to seven different customers now:

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Downgrading this as a Warning for version 0.3.7h.

Filed what I can as a bug to Unity; Incident # IN-25832