ChrisNZL / Tallowmere2

Changelog, issue tracker, and development knowledge for Tallowmere 2.
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Touchscreen: Holding two actions with two fingers results in erratic behaviour #1162

Closed ChrisNZL closed 1 year ago

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Reported and verified in 0.3.7k.

Initiating an action with one finger, then holding another action with another finger, results in the second action not working consistently.

Noticeable with:

Movement + combat buttons

  1. Hold a movement arrow to move, then
  2. Hold attack button (with "Hold to Attack" enabled); attacks do not happen automatically.

Combat buttons + movement

  1. Hold the attack button, shield button, or jump button, then
  2. Hold a movement arrow to move; movement only happens every-other frame, and generally only if the second finger moves its position while moving.

Seems to be a regression; have tried to implement Touch.fingerId to help handle the new "hold to activate" options, but it seems something is amiss with multiple touches.

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

0.3.7m: Fixed touchscreen issues for movement and hold-to-attack and hold-to-jump behaving incorrectly.