ChrisNZL / Tallowmere2

Changelog, issue tracker, and development knowledge for Tallowmere 2.
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Null ref: T2.Flipper.FlipTowardsPositionX #1200

Closed ChrisNZL closed 10 months ago

ChrisNZL commented 11 months ago

Auto reports, 0.3.7n, Google Play, feedback IDs: 20230718-KMTBY, 20230718-ZY55P

4:12:58, Frame 173702, EXCEPTION »  NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
>>>>> CRITICAL ERROR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

T2.Flipper.FlipTowardsPositionX (System.Single positionX, System.Single flipperDuration)
T2.ScriptedSequence_ActivatePedestalOffering.Update ()

GameStates: RompingThroughDungeon, ShowingCutscene
OnlineGameInfo: Device is online.
Server: Vultr-Seoul-01
GameSetupMode: NetworkCoop
Players: 2
DungeonRoomTransitioner.state: Null
DungeonRoom.state: Ready
Room: 18 / 18
RoomModifiers: DropGoldOnReceiveDamage (가득 찬 주머니), ElementalBallsOnly (뱉기), Bouncy (탄력)
YouHaveDiedState: Null
SystemPlayer InputDevice: 터치스크린
HumanPlayer 1 InputDevice: 터치스크린
ChrisNZL commented 10 months ago
