ChrisNZL / Tallowmere2

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Menus: Ensure null refs regarding T2.RectTransformPair.PositionIsInside have been fixed #1224

Closed ChrisNZL closed 8 months ago

ChrisNZL commented 9 months ago

Reported in 0.4.0d a lot. Mobile, with new players that are not yet Core Supporters.

Two stack traces that seem to be the culprit.

Believe this is a regression from a recent Canvas refactor, where CanvasMenu panels have their Canvas elements disabled, but not their related MonoBehaviours, resulting in Update methods calling too often.



T2.RectTransformPair.PositionIsInside (UnityEngine.Vector2 position)
T2.RectTransformPair.get_IsClickedOrTapped ()
T2.IAPBlueDot.get_IsClickedOrTapped ()
T2.Player.Update ()

GameStates: RompingThroughDungeon, PlayerViewingCreatureInventory


T2.RectTransformPair.PositionIsInside (UnityEngine.Vector2 position)
T2.RectTransformPair.get_IsClickedOrTapped ()
T2.Player.Update ()

GameStates: RompingThroughDungeon, UsingGameModePortalMenu
ChrisNZL commented 8 months ago
