Closed keizah7 closed 3 years ago
Can you provide your material theme settings?
@mallowigi Its default
Same behavior here, only in fullscreen mode.
<component name="MaterialCustomThemeConfig">
<option name="excludedColor" value="2e3c43ff" />
<option name="accentColor" value="009688ff" />
<option name="notificationsColor" value="1e272cff" />
<option name="treeSelectionColor" value="546e7a50" />
<option name="highlightColor" value="425b67ff" />
<option name="secondBorderColor" value="2a373eff" />
<option name="tableSelectedColor" value="314549ff" />
<option name="contrastColor" value="1e272cff" />
<option name="disabledColor" value="415967ff" />
<option name="secondaryBackgroundColor" value="32424aff" />
<option name="buttonColor" value="2e3c43ff" />
<option name="selectionForegroundColor" value="ffffffff" />
<option name="selectionBackgroundColor" value="546e7aff" />
<option name="textColor" value="607d8bff" />
<option name="foregroundColor" value="b0bec5ff" />
<option name="backgroundColor" value="263238ff" />
<component name="MaterialThemeConfig">
<option name="compactMenus" value="true" />
<option name="compactStatusBar" value="true" />
<option name="compactTables" value="true" />
<option name="highlightColorEnabled" value="true" />
<option name="accentScrollbars" value="false" />
<option name="compactDropdowns" value="true" />
<option name="compactSidebar" value="true" />
<option name="isHighlightColorEnabled" value="true" />
<option name="isCompactMenus" value="true" />
<option name="isCompactStatusBar" value="true" />
<option name="isCompactTables" value="true" />
<option name="isWizardShown" value="true" />
<option name="pristineConfig" value="false" />
<option name="treeFontSizeEnabled" value="true" />
<option name="tabFontSizeEnabled" value="true" />
<option name="customSidebarHeight" value="22" />
<option name="treeFontSize" value="14" />
<option name="highlightThickness" value="1" />
<option name="tabsHeight" value="18" />
<option name="accentColor" value="2979ff" />
<option name="highlightColor" value="80cbc4" />
<option name="selectedTheme" value="ONE_DARK" />
<option name="userId" value="" />
<option name="version" value="5.5.0" />
<option name="tabHighlightPosition" value="Bottom" />
PhpStorm 2020.3.1 Build #PS-203.6682.180, built on December 30, 2020 Runtime version: x86_64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. macOS 10.13.3
Can 't reproduce. Can you post your list of plugins?
.env files support (2020.3) Handlebars/Mustache (203.5981.152) Ideolog ( Laravel (0.15.4) Material Theme UI ( PHP Annotations (8.0.0) Phing (203.7148.74) Database Tools and SQL (203.7148.74) Docker (203.7148.74) FTP/SFTP Connectivity (ex. Remote Hosts Access) (203.7148.74) Vagrant (203.7148.74) HTML Tools (203.7148.74) Refactor-X (203.7148.74) XPathView + XSLT (203.7148.74) IDE Settings Sync (203.7148.74) Settings Repository (203.7148.74) Angular and AngularJS (203.7148.74) CoffeeScript (203.7148.74) JavaScript and TypeScript (203.7148.74) JavaScript Debugger (203.7148.74) JavaScript Intention Power Pack (203.7148.74) Node.js (203.7148.74) TSLint (203.7148.74) Vue.js (203.7148.74) Apache config (.htaccess) (203.7148.74) DQL (203.7148.74) Gherkin (203.7148.74) GNU GetText files support (*.po) (203.7148.74) Ini (203.7148.74) Markdown (203.7148.74) PHPT Support (203.7148.74) Shell Script (203.7148.74) YAML (203.7148.74) Drupal (203.7148.74) Joomla! (203.7148.74) WordPress (203.7148.74) PHP Docker (203.7148.74) PHP Remote Interpreter (203.7148.74) Hunspell (203.7148.74) CSS (203.7148.74) Less (203.7148.74) Sass (203.7148.74) Tailwind CSS (203.7148.74) W3C Validators (203.7148.74) Blade (203.7148.74) Haml (203.7148.74) Twig (203.7148.74) Behat Support (203.7148.74) Codeception Framework (203.7148.74) PHPSpec BDD Framework (203.7148.74) macOS Light Theme (203.7148.74) ChangeReminder (203.7148.74) Git (203.7148.74) GitHub (203.7148.74) Mercurial (203.7148.74) Perforce (203.7148.74) Subversion (203.7148.74) Command Line Tool (203.7148.74) Copyright (203.7148.74) EditorConfig (203.7148.74) File Watchers (203.7148.74) Grazie (203.7148.74) HTTP Client (203.7148.74) IntelliLang (203.7148.74) Machine Learning Code Completion (203.7148.74) Performance Testing (203.7148.74) PHPStan Support (203.7148.74) PhpStorm Workshop (203.7148.74) Psalm Support (203.7148.74) ReStructuredText (203.7148.74) Shared Indexes (203.7148.74) Task Management (203.7148.74) Terminal (203.7148.74) TextMate Bundles (203.7148.74) Time Tracking (203.7148.74) UML (203.7148.74)
Problem started again appear in newest PhpStorm
I can't seem to reproduce
How I can help you?
Can you provide the steps to reproduce? I tried opening the project in full screen with and without the title bar option, but still couldn't get this issue.
Can you provide the steps to reproduce? I tried opening the project in full screen with and without the title bar option, but still couldn't get this issue.
It doesn't appear now, but there is another issue. Autocomplete modal sometimes appear in another monitor
This isn't related to the plugin, unfortunately.
Tabs style is broken in default phpstorm installation. Only in fullscreen mode
Actual behavior
You can also add Screenshots for a better understanding.
PhpStorm 2020.3 Build #PS-203.5981.175, built on December 2, 2020 Runtime version: 11.0.9+11-b1145.21 x86_64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. macOS 10.16 GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep Registry: run.processes.with.pty=TRUE, ide.balloon.shadow.size=0 Non-Bundled Plugins: Pomodoro-tm, com.chrisrm.idea.MaterialThemeUI, com.intellij.ideolog, com.mallowigi, de.espend.idea.laravel, de.espend.idea.php.annotation, dev.nybroe.collector, ru.adelf.idea.dotenv
phpstrom 2020.3 Material theme ui 5.5.1 macOS Big SUr 11.1