ChrisRM / material-theme-jetbrains

JetBrains theme of Material Theme
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A small issue when using Magnet for MacOS #1748

Closed yurique closed 3 years ago

yurique commented 3 years ago


When using the the Magnet app: to resize the IDEA window, if before the resize the top toolbar contained 2 rows, after maximizing the window the second row remains (empty).

Expected behavior

The top toolbar is resized to a single row, no blank space under it.

Actual behavior

The top tool bar has two rows, second one being blank.

Steps to reproduce (if needed)

  1. resize the IDEA window down to the size when the top toolbar needs a second row to contain the icons
  2. maximize the IDEA window using the "Maximize" shortcut of the Magnet app (or "Maximize" item in its menu)
  3. the top toolbar has a second, blank, row
  4. manually resize the window a bit down and then back to full screen
  5. the top toolbar is back to normal

A screen recording:


IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 (Ultimate Edition) Build #IU-211.6693.111, built on April 6, 2021 Licensed to ... Subscription is active until December 26, 2021. Runtime version: 11.0.10+9-b1341.35 x86_64 VM: Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. macOS 10.15.7 GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation Memory: 4096M Cores: 20 Registry:, ide.balloon.shadow.size=0, scala.erase.compiler.process.jdk.once=false Non-Bundled Plugins: org.intellij.plugins.postcss (211.6693.64), com.mallowigi (36.0), name.kropp.intellij.makefile (211.6693.108), pro.bashsupport (, com.jetbrains.lang.ejs (211.6693.65), com.chrisrm.idea.MaterialThemeUI (6.4.1), org.intellij.scala (2021.1.373), com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql (2.9.1), Pythonid (211.6693.115), org.jetbrains.plugins.go (211.6693.111), net.ashald.envfile (3.2.1), ru.adelf.idea.dotenv (2021.1) Kotlin: 211-1.4.32-release-IJ6693.72

mallowigi commented 3 years ago

Interesting, but I'm not sure that's something related to the plugin. Could you try without the plugin to see if that reproduces?

yurique commented 3 years ago

Ha, you're right! This does happen with a clean install as well.

Not even sure what made me so sure it was related to the Material Theme :) (maybe I first noticed this right after the plugin got an update or something like that 🤔).

I'll report this to JetBrains.

mallowigi commented 3 years ago

To be fair I don't think this is related to JetBrains either. From what I can see with your screen, the IDE has a resize listener that puts the toolbar in two lines when the screen resizes, but the magnet app probably uses another mechanism for resizing. I have the same issue with BetterTouchTool.

yurique commented 3 years ago

Good point. Although this wasn't happening before not so long ago.