ChrisRaynerSG / AutomatedWebTestingProject

A project to look at the functionality of derive user stories, and create test cases for those users stories.
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As a user I want to be able to search for specific items, So that I can purchase something in particular #7

Open ChrisRaynerSG opened 2 weeks ago

l-hepper commented 2 weeks ago

@Happy Scenario: Search for an item by name Given the user is on the products page When the user enters "shirts" in the search bar And clicks the search button Then the user should see a list of items related to "shirts"

l-hepper commented 2 weeks ago

@Sad Scenario: No results found for the search Given the user is on the products page When the user enters "unicorn statue" in the search bar And clicks the search button Then the user should see a message "No results found"

l-hepper commented 2 weeks ago

@Happy Scenario: Search with an empty query Given the user is on the products page When the user leaves the search bar empty And clicks the search button Then the user should see all of the products (potential issue - user should be prompted to enter a search term instead)