ChrisRichner / ARGUS-TV-GuideEnhancer

Electronic Program Guide Enhancer for Argus TV
Apache License 2.0
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Timeout when failing to reach #7

Closed aswede closed 9 years ago

aswede commented 9 years ago

Not sure if this is the right place to leave this observation, but recently I have had repeated issues with GuideEnhancer where I lose all the season and episode information that has already been written to Argus. When I go into the log I always find an entry stating that:

Couldn't connect to to retrieve search results

the full message looks like:

TvdbLib.Exceptions.TvdbNotAvailableException: Couldn't connect to to retrieve search results for Lone Survivor, check your internet connection and the status of at TvdbLib.TvdbDownloader.DownloadSearchResults(String _name, TvdbLanguage _language) at GuideEnricher.tvdb.TvDbService.SearchSeries(String name, TvdbLanguage language) at GuideEnricher.tvdb.TvdbLibAccess.getSeriesId(String seriesName) at GuideEnricher.Enricher.EnrichSeries(GuideEnricherSeries series) at GuideEnricher.Enricher.EnrichUpcomingPrograms() at GuideEnricher.Service.Enrich(Object state, ElapsedEventArgs eventArgs)

Doesa anyone have suggestions / thoughts?

ChrisRichner commented 9 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. I think the best way to deal with this kind of TvdbNotAvailableException is to use a smart retry mechanism in the software.

ChrisRichner commented 9 years ago

The added code retries 3 times and waits 2 seconds between the retries.