ChrisTheCoolHut / Firmware_Slap

Discovering vulnerabilities in firmware through concolic analysis and function clustering.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Big Binary Problems #25

Closed nstarke closed 5 years ago

nstarke commented 5 years ago

Hello @ChrisTheCoolHut

@toobus and I are attempting to run Slap on a rather large ELF binary (~5MB in size), and we're experiencing an issue where the celery task doesn't complete and the whole process just hangs. Is there any tunable parameter we can adjust to help Slap deal with such a large binary?

For reference, I am running ghidra's analyzeHeadless against the binary and its using something like 72GB of RAM to process, which probably means its swapping out to disk on @toobus workstation.

Any thoughts you have on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

ChrisTheCoolHut commented 5 years ago

These kind of problems are exactly why I use celery 😁.

Three things you can try:

An old suggestion from the angr guys is swapping python interpreters to pypy. They report up to 10 times speed increase. But I've found that the analysis accuracy tends to drop.

You could also swap to using radare2 for the backend. Toggling the use_ghidra to false in discover and dump will do that. The ghidra_handler print_function might not like this and I probably will need to fix that. Radare2 should run faster and it generally consumes less memory, but you won't get nearly as nice function prototypes

One final piece I forgot to mention. If ghidra takes over an hour the celery task will die. You can remove this 1 hour limit here:

nstarke commented 5 years ago

Thanks @ChrisTheCoolHut - we'll give that a shot. Closing now.