Closed ExplosiveGreen closed 2 years ago
Same here.
For me also some warnings in ~/.xsessions-errors like:
polybar|warn: Dropping unmatched character _ (U+f3ed) in '_ '
i fixed the unicode problem by downloading this repository and runing this two comands mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/share/fonts" cp -rf rofi/fonts/* "$HOME/.local/share/fonts"
for the message and confirm.rasi not found you can just change the URL for those files to .config/rofi/applets/styles/confirm.rasi and .config/rofi/applets/styles/message.rasi or copy those file and dependences files to the powermenu folder
and for the double clicking problem you can ether use your keyboard instead your mouse or put right before this line ans=$(confirm_exit &) a dummy menu
A bit late but, here is how I fixed mine... It's just the first few lines that need tweaking.
rofi_command="rofi -theme $dir/$theme"
# Options
# Confirmation
confirm_exit() {
rofi -dmenu\
-p "Are You Sure? : "\
-theme $confirm
# Message
msg() {
rofi -theme "$confirm" -e "Available Options - yes / y / no / n"
in file dotfiles/rofi/powermenu/ section Options the Unicode don't show up and after using the powermenu show only the text E9C0 E9C4 E9A3 E991 also in section Confirmation and Message after -theme reference a message and confirmation rofi file that doesn't exist in the location also when you click on suspend or logout the lost click register as a click for getting out from the confirmation menu and with that you can answer that you Sure to the message e