ChrisTitusTech / hyprland-titus

My config files for Hyprland Wayland Window Manager
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yay -R --noconfirm swaylock waybar causes set-hypr script to stop if swaylock or waybar does not exist #44

Open YjzJim opened 11 months ago

YjzJim commented 11 months ago

In your " required packages", you included waybar-hyprland and swaylock-effects. And added the line

yay -R --noconfirm swaylock waybar

but if swaylock or waybar does not exist, the script stops and reports target not found.

code snippet in

if [[ $inst =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then git_pkgs="grimblast-git sddm-git hyprpicker-git waybar-hyprland-git" hypr_pkgs="hyprland wl-clipboard wf-recorder rofi wlogout swaylock-effects dunst swaybg kitty"
font_pkgs="ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-common otf-firamono-nerd inter-font otf-sora ttf-fantasque-nerd noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji ttf-comfortaa" font_pkgs2="ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-icomoon-feather ttf-iosevka-nerd adobe-source-code-pro-fonts" app_pkgs="nwg-look-bin qt5ct btop jq gvfs ffmpegthumbs swww mousepad mpv playerctl pamixer noise-suppression-for-voice" app_pkgs2="polkit-gnome ffmpeg neovim viewnior pavucontrol thunar ffmpegthumbnailer tumbler thunar-archive-plugin xdg-user-dirs" theme_pkgs="nordic-theme papirus-icon-theme starship "

yay -R --noconfirm swaylock waybar
7A1T commented 5 months ago

In a similar vein to this problem, when prompted to copy config files, wget and unzip is not installed by the script and fails on the prompt (line 117)