ChrisTitusTech / linutil

Chris Titus Tech's Linux Toolbox - Linutil is a distro-agnostic toolbox designed to simplify everyday Linux tasks.
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UI/UX - Tabular model #84

Closed SoapyDev closed 3 weeks ago

SoapyDev commented 1 month ago

Some user stories:




The application could use multiple tabular views to segregate abilities, show a welcome message and a help section. This would allow for more clarity for the end user, while also allowing the code to be easily separated by context.

The idea is to separate every context and its commands to their own domain. That way, every tab can become their own crate that is responsible for rendering, the list of commands, description, names, icons.

Visual example (dont pay attention to the colors, I made this with defaults): image

bungadrum commented 1 month ago

This looks amazing forget about it being just a model or feature/option this has potential to be a new tiling WM or even a new Desktop enviroment. Anyone who likes working with tabs is gonna love this.

JustLinuxUser commented 1 month ago

It looks good, but what if the number of tabs is just too big though, and this also makes nesting tabs kinda impossible, rn you can nest directories as deep as you want, but nesting and managing tabs would be much harder. But if Titus likes it I will implement that no questions asked :)

JustLinuxUser commented 1 month ago

Another concern I see, is it would be hard to handle resizing terminal to be much smaller, so that would seriously reduce compatibility. But this can be solved by writing the tab widget from scratch or using some widget library for rattatui

JustLinuxUser commented 1 month ago

To answer your concern about easily adding new commands as a developer. The file has a variable called tree. When you look at it a little it is very easy to add new stuff to it, it uses a JSONish syntax, so you can easily make PRs by changing that variable. If you need further help after looking at it, you tag me in this issue again and I will write a detailed explination on how to make changes to that variable. Good luck :) and I am impressed that you managed to create that interface as a prototype

SoapyDev commented 1 month ago


Thanks for the feedback @bungadrum , @JustLinuxUser .

Here is the resulting setup I came to, its far from perfect, and the list could go into its own file, but I find it quite clean.


Thanks for your time!

ASWeiler86 commented 1 month ago

Honestly I love this idea, I prefer horizontal tabbed navigation over vertical

One idea to get past the issue of too many tabs without going crazy nested would be to add a forward and backward button to the far right after the search icon. Then in code check for say 10 tabs and any others would be hidden unless forward is pressed.

Does this make sense?

SoapyDev commented 1 month ago

@ASWeiler86, if I understand well your idea :

A tabular view that is cantered on the selected tab by default, with two carousel like button that offset the view by x amount of tabs?

This would be custom stuff, but it would work in theory and could be quite nice. For now I did add a first/last binding, but I can see how an offset would be possible.

JustLinuxUser commented 1 month ago

I will start working on a proof of concept PR as soon as @ChrisTitusTech shows any interest in this idea, also if he does, I will wait for my other PR to get merged / rejected, so I can be sure what to base this PR on

bungadrum commented 1 month ago

How about going the Whisker menu route and adding tabs with these categories: Favorites, All Applications, Accessories, Games, Graphics, Internet, Multimedia, Office, Settings, System and Wine if you are a gamer that's 10-11 tabs with Rofi added.

ASWeiler86 commented 1 month ago

@SoapyDev - Yeah that pretty much covers the idea. For whatever reason I read faster left to right vs up to down.

I also find it better support for smaller screens as you can likely set it to respond to touch where you can drag through the tabs and it stops on the center as the "active" tab, hell even mouse wheel too just to be fancy. That is to me faster than scroll up and down.

ChrisTitusTech commented 1 month ago

Very Cool @SoapyDev - The main concern is how fast the project moves and PRs are accepted. I'd wait or coordinate with me before dumping a ton of time into this. Right now we are changing and adding menu items, so be careful during the UI and overhaul. If you can isolate and make a lot of this module so we don't have too many conflicts on the final PR that would be ideal.

SoapyDev commented 1 month ago

@ChrisTitusTech , thanks :)

Yeah, I knew this would not be merged. Its too fat and bring some breaking changes anyway. But I had a few hours and was happy to learn the basics of Ratatui. Plus I had to get it out of my head.

I think @JustLinuxUser has an idea about how to implement this without making any serious change to the code base. If he finds it to not be possible, then I will be happy to help and coordinate.

Here are some tabs category ideas:

For theming, a cool idea, might be to have multiple themes (Catpuccin, Nord, etc...) and setups.

JustLinuxUser commented 1 month ago

I made adding multiple themes very easy, but haven't implemented any switching for themes in runtime, so if you want to add some themes, I can add clap flags to switch in between them. I am not really a theming person, but if someone will do that part for me, I can't complain :)

SoapyDev commented 1 month ago

Oh, I might have been unclear. I meant theming script for the distro. But I still added a theme for colorblind users :) I will expand on the inner themes next week!

SoapyDev commented 1 month ago

@JustLinuxUser, @ChrisTitusTech , here are some layout idea that might be doable for the TUI, with corresponding navigation options. I also added a few idea in there that are not necessary, but I think are cool :), hope you do too.

1 - Two column tabs

Optimal width

Group 2

Reduced size

Group 3


Group 1

2 - Carousel - Harder

Optimal width

Group 5

Reduced size

Group 6


Group 4

3 - Columnar

I leave a comment on that one. Its by look my preferred one, but I did not find an intuitive way to navigate from tabs to commands.

Optimal width

Group 8

Reduced size

Group 9


Group 7

I hope one of them will be to your fancy. As always, I am open to feedback. Thanks for your time!

lj3954 commented 1 month ago

The third one looks really nice, almost like how you'd design a GUI. I don't think it's too difficult to make that intuitive. It's going from left to right, so just areas of focus. Left from the main page focuses the tablist (some indication that it's focused would be necessary), right from the tablist focuses the main page, and right/enter from the main page executes the command or enters the directory.

javif89 commented 1 month ago

@SoapyDev I want to +1 this idea. The column layout looks awesome. For navigation, what do you think about doing something similar to what LazyGit does? Each panel has a number and you just press the number to focus it and navigate that way.

lj3954 commented 1 month ago

I have a draft of the UI nearly ready. Just need to fix up a few major issues & render a new design.