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do-not-makes-these-github-mistakes #169

Open iamsilvio opened 6 months ago

iamsilvio commented 6 months ago

For your rebase odyssey, you could have created patches for each commit You can create patches from just one commit or from multiple commits. If you create one with git format-patch -1 <SHA-1>, you only get the changes from that commit in a patch file and can apply them to your other branch with git am <file.patch>.

Apart from that, there are branching strategies in development, your test branch strategy is something similar to 'git flow' and you may eventually switch to this approach completely. There are several strategies with similar names, so don't get confused (gitHub Flow, GitLabFlow, Git Flow, ...)

GitFlow simply states that there is a main branch where all released code lives, and a development branch where development takes place, which is moved to the main branch after release.

ps: i would love to have a way to contact you without commenting on yt or using a dead social network like x

digitalsparky commented 4 months ago

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