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ultimate-windows-10-install-iso/ #20

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Ultimate Windows 10 Install ISO

Having Fun with Technology

mschemerii commented 2 years ago

MSG Toolkit link does not work. The website says that their content is gone due to megafile takedown (I think a .ru link)

RaienryuuNoNatsu commented 1 year ago

Hi there! I stumbled upon this guide recently, and have been watching most of the debloating/customize videos on the channel as a way to improve my general workflow as a mid-tier user. It's been very helpful and informative, and I wanted to try my hand at it, as it looks fun to me to do as I learn. So, while trying this, I stumbled upon an error, and I can't seem to be able to Google an answer for it.

As per the video guide, I'm using MSMG Toolkit, the most up to date version compared to what is shown in the tutorial. This is legit the first time I ever see or use this tool, and I'm not sure if it can do some things. More specifically, I wanted to install an .appx file from the Microsoft Store so that I could strip the entire thing from my image. The .appx is just a codec extension, I guess that should be fine? Looking this up on Google, it's possible to deploy appx files via Powershell even without the Microsoft Store, so I should be on track for this one.

Now, I read the MSMG toolkit features, and I did see it can add features to the image (like NET Framework 3.5), but I'm not sure if it can do .appx files so, before mounting the install.wim with the toolkit, I independently used DISM to import the extension, and commit the changes.

After that, I went to follow the rest of the steps in the video. I had no troubles importing drivers, but when I went to enable NET Framework 3.5, this is what I got:

Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OnDemand-Package: The specified image is no longer serviceable and may be corrupted.
Discard the modified image and start again.
Error: 0x80073713
Error: 14099
The specified image is no longer serviceable and may be corrupted.
Discard the modified image and start again.

When this happened, at first I thought it was because the image got corrupted when committing the changes I did via DISM. I then grabbed an untouched backup of the install.wim file, skipped the Store extension, and tried to just install NET Framework 3.5 as the first thing. Same error.

So, as I went to Google what to do next, the result was trying to restore the image. So I went through DISM again and scanned the image health, and as a result, the image was actually fine. No errors, no corruption. At this point I'm a bit confused, as I imagine MSMG Toolkit runs DISM to implement stuff in background, am I correct? So, I don't get why this isn't working.

As reference, since the log file is HUGE, this is the Host OS info, and the image I'm working with:

Reading Host OS Information...
Windows 10 Professional Client (2009 21H2) - v10.0.19044.2006 x64 ja-JP

Image: Install.wim
Image Index No: 1 (Extracted from install.esd as the only index available)
Image Architecture: x64
Image Version: 10.0.19041
Image Service Pack Build: 1288
Image Service Pack Level: 0
Image Build: 19041
Image Default Language: it-IT

Any tips will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the time used making these tutorials.

ZeTomaz commented 1 year ago

This link is Down... Is there another way to get the MSG tool? Thank you in advance.

ZeTomaz commented 1 year ago

In this site, Malwarebits advise NOT TO INSTAL due to a TROJAN infection...

ZeTomaz commented 1 year ago

Ok... Found it.