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disable-win-defender/ #30

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Disable Win Defender

Having Fun with Technology

m4rtt3 commented 1 year ago

Hello, Chris. I've been following your channel for a couple of years now. Sincerely inspiring. Thanks to you and another channel I started using Linux as my main OS and learning a lot of things. Personal digital security and privacy has become an exciting topic. Antivirus has a lot to do with these two topics. I was surprised by this guide and your video.

I am no expert. Although it seems tempting to disable Defender, I wanted to share with you two sources, which you may already know about, but would have been worth referencing.

  1. The Big Antivirus Lie in 2021
  2. Windows Defender is enough, if you harden it
  3. Harden Windows Defender protection to the highest levels on Windows 11/10

Note: I know that the YouTuber in the first source may have a somewhat alarmist touch, but he has been an excellent source on digital privacy issues, especially around reflecting on decisions.

Love your channel, man. Greetings from Colombia.

the-letterh commented 1 year ago

For the registry file you need to add the following line before the script due to the registry file being unable to be merged: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

wildw1ng commented 1 year ago

Cannot import windefender_disable.reg: Not all data was successfully written to the registry. Some keys are open by the system or other processes, or you have insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

Osw69 commented 1 year ago

Hello - Who can share which ACL settings are required for start-menu to work in windows 11 latest version?

tsullyman commented 8 months ago

Cannot import windefender_disable.reg: Not all data was successfully written to the registry. Some keys are open by the system or other processes, or you have insufficient privileges to perform this operation.

jigglywatts commented 7 months ago

reg key doesn't work for me either

tsullyman commented 7 months ago

I solved it by using another defender disabling reg thing but also discovered this "If you get an error when trying to run the .reg, use PowerRun (some services require the TrustedInstaller privilege in order to be modified, such as Windefend or wuauserv)."

tsullyman commented 7 months ago

I used this

From a famous latency guide here here