ChrisTitusTech / website

My HUGO Website that I use for Videos, Blogs, and Redirects
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switching-to-dumbphone/ #33

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Life without a Smart Phone

Having Fun with Technology

gomahula commented 1 year ago

Hi Chris, I think you are something important on the tracks that can create change! The message has a particularly significant impact when it comes from an IT expert like you! It's all about dopamine, our brain's intrinsic reward system which is iteratively triggered by the human need to be updated and communicate. This fundamental drive of Homo Sapiens is naturally conveyed through spoken language which can share knowledge, skills, images and visions between individuals. It enables the individual, family, group and tribe to be more evolutionarily successful than competing species and is essential to our intelligence and humanity! The smartphone and all its possibilities overload and short-circuit our brains, which have been optimized for perhaps a maximum of 250 individual contacts. It will probably take another 100,000 years before Homo sapiens has adapted to communicate with the entire planet.

kha84 commented 1 year ago

I quit Facebook for the very same reason couple of years back. I just felt I'm becoming addictive reading it all the time so that was it. It freed up a huge pile of my time.