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windows-inside-linux/ #44

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Setting up Windows inside Linux

Having Fun with Technology

dlhenke commented 1 year ago

Why I can't have more than 2 cores on Windows Machines ?

sosiristseng commented 1 year ago

@dlhenke Because QEMU sets one socket for each assigned CPU core, but Windows 10 Pro can only use 2.\

I found this piece of information from Windows OS Hub:

Edit: You can set up CPU topology manually in the VM GUI setting > CPU.

ccarofino commented 1 year ago

Chris, Can you help guide me in the right direction to get ip passthrough to work with my qemu windows virtual machine? I want to be able to connect to it from my laptop with RDP and since the network is bridged, no other device can communicate with it without a local ip handed out by my firewall.

I would consider myself an experienced novice with linux. All the guides I have found have not really been right (my it google skills must be lacking) or been too complicated to understand

Thanks, Chris C.

ChrisTitusTech commented 1 year ago

Check out "bridge networking" when modifying your networking using the following guide toward the bottom:

Chris, Can you help guide me in the right direction to get ip passthrough to work with my qemu windows virtual machine? I want to be able to connect to it from my laptop with RDP and since the network is bridged, no other device can communicate with it without a local ip handed out by my firewall.

I would consider myself an experienced novice with linux. All the guides I have found have not really been right (my it google skills must be lacking) or been too complicated to understand

Thanks, Chris C.

poltorukhin commented 1 year ago

Hi, Chris! English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry for mistakes in my post (if they are here). Can You make video tutorial on how to create several shared folders in QEMU/virt-manager with Samba?

poltorukhin commented 1 year ago

I have found your video about samba sharing: Hope it will help me.

sam-ozak commented 1 year ago

does this works with windows 8?

webpilot101 commented 1 year ago

Hi Chris, I have learned a lot from you but I am sort of stuck here.
I have a Linux machine, no other OS at the moment. " Optimizing Windows VM" This says to run the .exe file. Is this supposed to be done before you install the windows VM? I can not run a .exe on a basic Linux system. I am confused and admit I am probably in over my head here.
Thanks, George

tobekaizen commented 10 months ago

saw the video from YT and rushed here to see if i can get any answer on my tech transition....

so ive been wandering now that im switching from my 2016 setup that i self put together (i7-3rd gen., 16gb ram, 1050ti, 256gb ssd + 1tb ssd + 1tb hdd) to something a bit better (i5-13rd, 32gb ram, 3060 12gb, nvme m.2 the whole shebang) and expanding the knowledge on cybersecurity is making me distance myself away from windows more and more, so upon getting my new setup these days, i was wondering would it be wise to main boot the new setup to linux, then use the ssd from the old setup w/windows10 in it as a VDK to virtualize it from Linux whenever i`d need anything that would require windows thanks in advance! VHD* sorry also if anyone wondering why i needed 3 HD, one came w/the PC (1tb hdd), got the 256gb ssd to speed things up a bit until it corrupted on me, then i needed a bit more space on some projects and gaming, thats why i got the 1tb ssd, which is current one that im using, which im thinking on using as the VHD