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ntlite-guide/ #52

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

NTLite Guide

Having Fun with Technology

domenicdistefano commented 1 year ago

Great write-up Chris!

When trying to import either of the XML presets I get red X next to the name and it says error under last change to the right of that. Tried on two different boxes with both free and paid versions.

domenicdistefano commented 1 year ago

UPDATE - Downloaded the profiles directly from the NTLite forum and it worked!

ChrisTitusTech commented 1 year ago

Strange, those are the exact files I downloaded... oh well that is why I put source next to anything I download.

knolljo commented 1 year ago

Linux user here, but on a VM I would definitely try this out for gaming, thanks for the guide! Could you make the iso available?

ttx99 commented 1 year ago

I hope you can just make us monthly or quarterly iso's sir. pls

ChrisTitusTech commented 1 year ago

Redistributing ISOs are illegal and people have gone for prison for doing it.

So sadly, I can't. Vox did a story about a guy that refurbished computers and he ended up going to prison for 2 years for including a Windows Customized ISO.

RonimusPrime commented 1 year ago

Everything works until I get to step 2 and try to Import the Presets XML File from your Github. I get a red x and says error to the far right and the preset is not available to be loaded. Ay ideas what is the issue? I bought the NTLite Home version and am using Windows 11 Pro.

RonimusPrime commented 1 year ago

OK, I got it to work. Took the Raw version and copied and pasted it in my own xml. The problem is some sort of post processing occurring when I would download the file from github.

CVLover commented 1 year ago

Overwatch 2 crashes after 2 minutes. i had to add back the accesibility options and now it works :P

lavavex commented 1 year ago

discord cant get access to my audio devices even when launched as admin... and devices menu in settings crashes settings app... also my Intel WiFi 6e wifi card is unable to startup with any driver.

fr4nkl3 commented 1 year ago

What do I need to add back in for remote desktop so that I can use this on my Proxmox Server? It completely removes everything "remote"!

ChrisTitusTech commented 1 year ago

What do I need to add back in for remote desktop so that I can use this on my Proxmox Server? It completely removes everything "remote"!

You will need to use another tool like mRemoteNG or RDCMan from Microsoft. I use RDCMan a lot in business as its a better mstsc.

hamburgerghini1 commented 1 year ago

Is there any way to get Bluetooth working, without making new ISO?

dicksensei69 commented 1 year ago

If you are haviing an issue with qwave.dll and Multiversus (a game i'm having trouble with) also @lavavex saying Discord doesn't work. You should make sure you check Quality Windows Audio Video Experience (qWave) in Components->Multimedia or just search qwave in NTLite. I was having the weirdest issue with the Multiversus. Everywhere online was saying the problem was that the antivirus wasn't allowing the exe to reach the qwave.dll but there is not a qwave.dll in the C:\Windows directory and there was in my other stripped copy of windows done through major geeks (thanks again Chris). Found other people having this issue for other reasons and looked for it in NTLite and it was unchecked. I'm going to save learning dism till another day and reload with a fixed ISO. If you know how to add this without reloading, please tell ty ty :-)

pepgithub100 commented 1 year ago

Chris, I am having problems with your step on pulling in all drivers. I point the driver directory to the folder I expanded the windows install files with 7zip. However, it gives me an error, file format incorrect or something of that nature. You point your directory to the CD: directory, but I don't see where you setup a cd directory?? Please clarify.

Darknight92228 commented 1 year ago

Guys help me out, I am unable to install DirectX runtime gamerOS 11

DemGiran commented 1 year ago

Going to prison for redistributing ISO?

bogointeractive commented 1 year ago

I am still getting an Error with the preset's. I downloaded the one from here but it is an error. I want to use windows 11 but with no presets.

anonymouscnidaria commented 1 year ago

I need some help, I followed the video and customized Win10 successfully except that when I installed it on my laptop, it's saying windows in not activated, should I have not placed a dummy key in the customization and if I just create a new ISO and not place a key would that activate windows using the activation key that came with and (I hope) is still saved in my laptop?

PrexEU commented 1 year ago

Yo, i did the windows gamer os thing, but now i cant change my ke0yboard layout could u help with this?

dicksensei69 commented 1 year ago

Heya again, so Chris doesn't say this in the video but here is where this is all from. You'll still need to make changes to it in ntlite to get everything you want working but stuff like changing that keyboard layout may be something that was removed. You may be able to install i through ntlite to fix the os but I don't know what in the version was removed that caused that for you. I wish you luck I had to do a lot of digging to get a workable windows 10 install but it was fun and worth it in the end. Remember there is an all new gameros thing at the forum link and that thing works a bit better with some decent fixes. Don't know if they installed the keyboard thing though you'll have to figure out what causes that.

Filip-Anicic commented 1 year ago

I have issues with Spotify desktop client not being able to open the browser when trying to login. I tried using compatibility mode and running as admin, but I don't get any feedback, let alone an error. Another app I have issues with is EarTrumpet. Depending if it's installed with winget or choco, it crashes with an exception error message when launching or just silently crashes without any message.

Filip-Anicic commented 1 year ago

I looked at a diff between the original NTLite GamerOS Win10 settings and my own modifications. Would any of these cause the issues I have above and can I readd these features without reinstalling?

<c>mapcontrol 'Map Control'</c>
<c>microsoft.people 'Microsoft People'</c>
<c>microsoft.skypeapp 'Skype'</c>
<c>microsoft.wallet 'Microsoft Pay'</c>
<c>microsoft.win32webviewhost 'Desktop App Web Viewer'</c>
<c> 'Assigned Access Lock app'</c>
<c> 'Call'</c>
<c> 'Capture Picker'</c>
<c> 'Content Delivery Manager'</c>
<c> 'Captive Portal Flow'</c>
<c> 'Network Connection Flow'</c>
<c> 'Microsoft family features'</c>
<c> 'PinningConfirmationDialog'</c>
<c> 'Take a Test'</c>
<c> 'Safely Remove Device'</c>
<c>microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps 'Mail and Calendar'</c>
<c>microsoft.windowsfeedbackhub 'Feedback Hub'</c>
<c>microsoft.windowsmaps 'Windows Maps'</c>
<c>microsoft.yourphone 'Your Phone'</c>
<c>microsoft.zunemusic 'Groove Music'</c>
redhorse61270 commented 10 months ago

i am unable to run this: iexiwr : The term 'iexiwr' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:40

rm-cardoso commented 9 months ago

Hi! Can you share the result iso for the ones who can't afford the ntlite premium features? Appreciate a lot.

hamburgerghini1 commented 9 months ago

Hi! Can you share the result iso for the ones who can't afford the ntlite premium features? Appreciate a lot.

Distributing custom Windows ISOs is illegal

lbd1277 commented 7 months ago

Hello, the ISO appears to be ok, however when it boots up it just sits at Setup is starting , any ideas ?

tartearer commented 4 months ago

I'm having a problem when installing it's gets to the finalizing installation then says it can't update the boot partition(yes I've turned off secure boot) I've tried GPT & MBR for the drive. I'm fully out of idea's I've spent hours searching and trying solutions all to no avail.

hekktech commented 2 months ago

There is a GamerOS PostSetup.ps1 file in the folder, can anyone explain if it needs to be opened once windows is installed, or do I add it to post install tasks in ntlite? I am a bit confused since in the Chris Titus video there was nothing told about this file whatsoever. Thanks

dicksensei69 commented 2 months ago

You put that script in the end of ntlites thing for it to run. You're going to want to go to the ntlite forums as well and find the updated GamerOS or you're going to have a bad time. Chris's version never really worked and was missing some needed parts.