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robocopy/ #61

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Robocopy - Copying files the right way in Windows

Having Fun with Technology

cjwagnersr commented 1 year ago

Ok I have a directory that has 27,600 folders, and almost 300,000 files. (Pictures, videos Q:\Digital Pictures) I want to back them up to another drive H;\Digital Pictures. The first time through I want to copy all of the files. Tomorrow I would like to copy the ones I have changed, New pictures, from the Q drive to the H drive but only the ones that are new or changed. Was thinking about would the attribute to identify changes work and what might be the command line do do something like this in Robocopy?

ChrisTitusTech commented 1 year ago

Robocopy works great for this. Just use default options and it will only copy over new files.

thegoldenboy542 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have a bunch of folders with pictures, to a total of about 530,000 images, I want to move the images to a new folder, but just the images not the directories. Can I do that using the search address? Also many of the images have the same name so will it rename them? Because I don't want them to be overwritten.