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setting-up-the-ultimate-windows-11/ #65

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Setting Up the Ultimate Windows 11

Having Fun with Technology

Querzion commented 1 year ago

Do you have an already debloated custom ISO of WIN10 & WIN11 that can be downloaded?

bixthefinyt commented 1 year ago

This worked for me

1987ODIN commented 1 year ago

Set Split Threshold for Svchost in Windows 10[](url)

Protator906 commented 1 year ago

A bit too radically debloated for anything but a dedicated gaming rig. No sxs component store, no update functionality whatsoever -needs a full host refresh for every tiny bugfix- ... no AV, no MS store, no App installer, no ModernApp support, you can't even run MS Office on this install. Not very "Ultimate". User Txmmy named this preset "GamerOS" for a reason. With this you can run game launchers like Steam, play games, and that's it. Maybe if you dual/direct boot this as a vhdx file ...

I loaded this as a template to see what I can remove without breaking Win11 itself, then added everything useful for everyday use back in. Compatibility presets in NTLite come real handy for that.

MadMaxMou23 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Is it possible to restore the backup after debloating Windows 10? I seem to have files missing. Thanks

YxD8m commented 1 year ago

do you have a debloated windows 11 version

J3rry367 commented 1 year ago

One of the "Desktop" tweaks seems to mess with Windows search so that when I search for an app I only get web results. Can anyone tell me which tweak it is that does this?

pmaf18 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have used the preset available to W11 but now every time that I try to change desktop background I have and error.

SystemSettings.exe - Application Error The instruction at 0x00007FFD71185F9B referenced memory at 0x0000000000000000 the memory could not be read-

Click on OK to terminate the program

Does anyone has any idea?

thank you

thorrrr commented 1 year ago

Hi Chris i run Win 11 Pro in a VM as i have moved over to Fedora and wished i had done it years ago. But i need Windows because i need Office 365 (Excel) and Onedrive to sync my excel files round my network and other Pc's. That is all i need plus browser currently using Brave. I want to debloated if possible but have access to 365 and Onedrive. I know there are LInux equivalents and online Excel but please trust me i use advanced Power Query functions that nothing else supports. Looking at your debloating script it dos not seem to allow me to do this or am i missing something?

MichaelCopple809 commented 1 year ago

Anyone out there who is looking for a premade iso should steer away from such a thing. First, you don't know what kind of malicious code the person compiling such an iso could be injecting under the guise of "Well, this is just to make your computer run faster". Number two, how do you learn the OS without getting under the hood? You need some sort of understanding for what you are fooling with as a power user, because stripping Windows and running it bare is not for someone just starting out. I am not speaking for Chris, but I know he would somewhat agree with that point. Number three, with all of the telemetry that is taking place in the proprietary software world, it may serve one best to leave behind the Microsoft and Apple universe and migrate to Linux or BSD if the use of the driver permits. There is tons of alterative software available and Linux is extremely user friendly.

LearnIIBurn commented 1 year ago

I gotta back Mr. MichaelCopple809 up here and agree with him, especially on the point of the image author's ability to slipstream and run any kind of unsigned code they please, be it malicious or not. It's just a big bad practice to risk that kind of fire. Now if you really do know what you are doing on the other hand, then take a crack at gutting out your own image because it can be a very fun and rewarding project. I can't stand the overpowering dominance that Windows Security holds over the system, and while it truly is a very safe and reliable security suite for the average user, I literally can't run Windows with it. I successfully ripped it out and couldn't be happier about that :) I'll manage my own virus screening thank you very much!

ar065 commented 1 year ago

I tried this, and after many attempts I get this error when trying to boot up a VM in VMWare: "Windows could not update registry data in the installation." There is also another error that I can encounter, something along the lines of "Windows could not find the necessary files for installation.", however I think I fixed that one. The main issue now is the first error, which I have no idea how to solve. I already spent hours on this issue, since I don't like giving up easily. But after many failed attempts I unfortunately had to give up, since each time I would do things to try to fix it, that would take a significant amount of time

Leowhyx commented 5 months ago

Personally, I love Windows 11. In my opinion, it is one of the best systems ever created. Therefore, if anyone is still looking for a license at a good price, I recommend this post: