ChrisTitusTech / website

My HUGO Website that I use for Videos, Blogs, and Redirects
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why-we-dont-browse-the-internet-anymore/ #81

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Why We Don't Browse the Internet Anymore

Having Fun with Technology

Ashdemai commented 1 year ago

I don't read articles, but I do have use of RSS, so the get RSS feed extension might be of use to me. Thanks.

danilomrx0 commented 1 year ago

Hey Chris, nice article! I have installed both docker containers as you did on your video, but when I put your site link, it displays a RSS with the HTML page instead of a readable page. Is there some more configuration I may have missed?

strandloper commented 1 year ago

The walkthrough video isn't playing. Could it be that the source URL is a placeholder that should have been replaced? It's and that 11111111 seems a bit contrived.

matte54 commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem with Full Text RSS, any feed i put in just gives me a list of the acctual HTML code not text/videos/images , is there any additional settings needed?

Xarchuser commented 1 year ago

Full Text RSS gives HTML code but when you add it on your Freshrss instance, it loads perfectly fine, full page with images and everything.

AbidHasan95 commented 1 year ago

Getting the following error when I am trying to add a feed.

The newsfeed could not be added. Check FreshRSS logs for details. You can try force adding by appending #force_feed to the URL.

Abdicate commented 1 year ago

I love your ideas!! I followed your video and this article, but there are some issues I'm hoping you can sort out. Using the plugin, I copy your RSS link ( from the plugin you suggested, and paste it into the Feed Aggregation on port 50000. It generates a great page just like you showed. I take that URL ( and past it into the Add a feed section of port 49999, and I get a timeout error: The newsfeed could not be added. Check FreshRSS logs for details. You can try force adding by appending #force_feed to the URL. I check the logs and it says: Unknown error for feed [] If I run it with the plugin's URL (, it works just fine. Thoughts? Suggestions? Also, your video on this page doesn't work. Thanks.

Abdicate commented 1 year ago

P.S. I checked the Debug on Feed Aggregation and this is what it says:

Abdicate commented 1 year ago

Ok, I was using Photon OS on ESXi, and it didn't work well. I rebuilt everything on a Proxmox using a Debian container to hold the Docker, and it worked like your video.

itsdoublearon commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much for this video, motivated me to install this setup this evening. Once thing I'm finding though... I would like to use the r/news and r/worldnews as a news feed, but I'm finding using RSS-Bridge's Reddit Feed into Full-Text is not pulling the articles. I'm curious if you have a work around for this? Or if this is even possible of doing?


smikwily commented 1 year ago

@itsdoublearon - With Reddit, you can just add .rss at the end of a sub's name and it will provide the RSS. Which way are you doing it?

Ex: r/news >

itsdoublearon commented 1 year ago

@smikwily I was using Reddit via RSS-Bridge, but ended up switching it to your direct method and it's now working. Thanks so much.

JohnDevlopment commented 1 year ago

Can you explain what PUID and PGID are for?

bithack3r commented 1 year ago

@JohnDevelopment type id in terminal and you'll get both.

Ben-Burke commented 1 year ago

Chris - thanks for this... I had a good, long experiment with fivefilters and freshrss... this sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole, but I came back with something worth sharing...

Youtube used to let you export your subscripts as OPML (at least i think that was the format).

If you (like me) have dozens of subscriptions, you can use Google Takeout to extract your youtube subscriptions...

For my next act, I'll see how I go importing this into full-text rss...

eekhof commented 1 year ago

Hello, I really liked your way of doing things. I am currently struggling with FullTextRSS: Would it be possible to configure it in such a way that it scrapes the description from the video, and directly embeds the video itself into the feed? When I give the Youtube feed URL to FTRSS it just shows the title and embeds the video without the description... Plus the video is very small, does anyone know how to increase the size of the iframe? I would be thankful for any suggestions.

AndreaDiNapoli commented 10 months ago

Thank you for this article! I managed in hosting myself both full-text-rss and FreshRSS, but it seems like my full-text-rss does not automatically update the feed after the first time. Can someone help me understand why?

bocciaman commented 7 months ago

I wrote about the issue I'm experiencing here on the fivefilters forum, can someone help? I have screenshots and everything. My FreshRSS won't except the URL produced by Full-Text RSS 3.8 on my local docker container. Can anyone help?

JohnDevlopment commented 7 months ago

I wrote about the issue I'm experiencing here on the fivefilters forum, can someone help? I have screenshots and everything. My FreshRSS won't except the URL produced by Full-Text RSS 3.8 on my local docker container. Can anyone help?

I'm going to guess it's the "localhost" part that's the issue. I had a similar problem when I first started working with the two. My solution was to create my own network in Docker and assign IP addresses to both servers. Here is the Docker Compose file I wrote:

version: "2.4"

    image: heussd/fivefilters-full-text-rss
    container_name: full-text-rss
        ipv4_address: 172.xx.x.x
      - 5004:80
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: freshrss/freshrss:edge
    container_name: freshrss
        ipv4_address: 172.xx.x.x
        max-size: 10m
      - 5003:80
      - freshrss_data:/var/www/FreshRSS/data
      - freshrss_extensions:/var/www/FreshRSS/extensions
      - TZ=timezone
      - PUID="1000"
      - PGID="1000"
    restart: unless-stopped

    external: true
    external: true

    external: true
bab014 commented 6 months ago

This was awesome. Thank you for this article and video.

Leowhyx commented 6 months ago

Generally, ads are everywhere and they are annoying. But they help with sales. An example is Google Shopping Ads. I recently started using it and the effects are amazing. I recommend this post on this topic: