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lcars-screensaver/ #92

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Lcars Screensaver

Having Fun with Technology

Tzalim commented 1 year ago

Hey Chris, you need to update this. Since when you did your walk-though it had an .exe file. Now, since meWho updated this, It has an .scr file. BTW, I'm on Arch Linux.

ChrisTitusTech commented 1 year ago

Hey Chris, you need to update this. Since when you did your walk-though it had an .exe file. Now, since meWho updated this, It has an .scr file. BTW, I'm on Arch Linux.

Even better, just skip the exe extraction. Wine reads the scr file natively

drowelf commented 7 months ago

Hi Chris, I used to System47 long ago when I used a mac. Thanks for making this possible again on Linux. After getting to the stage where you launch the screensaver manually as a test (before setting up the service), I got an error saying that Wine Mono wasn't installed. Any suggestions about how to proceed?

drowelf commented 3 months ago

Hi Chris, Thanks for this -- it really takes me back to the good old days! Hey, what options do I have for using this with a dual-monitor setup? Any way to have it run on both?

drowelf commented 3 months ago

One more note: If you run the screensaver with the /c flag, you get access to the screensaver configuration dialog. This allows you to adjust (or disable) the sound. You can also choose which of the lcars simulations it shows (default is all of them).