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fix-screen-tearing-linux/ #98

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Fix Screen Tearing Linux

Having Fun with Technology

hujberhunor commented 1 year ago

What if i have a 20-intel.conf created cause of the intel-backlight issue? Will i need to create a file with a different name or paste the config in the same?

RyanSwan0 commented 1 year ago

I have a 12th Gen Intel with the embedded GPU. I hope this fixes my issues. Under Manjaro and now Kubuntu, sometimes KDE just borks hard and I have to reboot. I THINK it could be Firefox and Librewolf that's borking my system. Hopefully removing that ancient package is the answer I've been looking for!

RyanSwan0 commented 1 year ago

Also, I wonder if it's because 1 monitor is 60Hz(older 24") and the other is 120Hz(newer 32").

floppyman commented 1 year ago

The AMD settings did not work for me either, but i found the reason, which is the "spaces" in front of the Identifier, Driver and Option are not spaces, they are an invisible character U+2002 (according to vscode), so a quick change into spaces and it worked just fine :-)

ChrisTitusTech commented 1 year ago

The AMD settings did not work for me either, but i found the reason, which is the "spaces" in front of the Identifier, Driver and Option are not spaces, they are an invisible character U+2002 (according to vscode), so a quick change into spaces and it worked just fine :-)

Thanks for this! I'll get this updated today and make it so no one needs to worry about this.

CheesyChocolate commented 1 year ago

@Lolis4TheWin What if i have a 20-intel.conf created cause of the intel-backlight issue? Will i need to create a file with a different name or paste the config in the same?

  • just name it differently, like 237-intel.conf.
  • a suggestion. if you have intel backlight problem, don't use the xorg config, just use acpilight. it's simplify the solution.

screen tearing fix didn't work

i don't really care about screen tearing. I tried X11 config, server failed to load after reboot, checked log, it failed to load module intel.

mcranium commented 1 year ago

A few weeks ago I suddenly started to experience severe screen tearing when scrolling (it appeared as a diagonal cut through text), but only in Firefox(!), not in PDF readers, Chromium or when moving floating windows. I have an Intel UHD 620 onboard chip and I run Arco Linux. For me creating the 20-intel.conf file did result in the login manager not starting, but since I also removed the xf86-video-intel package, after rebooting and removing the configuration file the screen tearing was just gone. Thank you so much! This was driving me insane, if it weren't for your video I probably had replaced my Qtile setup with something that runs Wayland.

iBolski commented 1 year ago

Love your channel. My issue is I have a multi-monitor setup and of course, Xorg see's all 3 monitors as one giant screen so it's trying to refresh across all 3 monitors at the same as as if they were one screen. Forcing the pipeline setting gets rid of the tearing, but then I get stutters during gaming and watching videos. So all I can do is use xrandr to turn off all but one monitor, game, then use xrandr to turn on the other two monitors.

Also, two of my three monitors I can OC the refresh rate to 75Hz. But if I leave the third one on that is stuck at 60Hz, Xorg will force the other two to stay at 60Hz.

I've tried Wayland, but with my nVidia GPU, it's flakey. yes, I can get 60fps with all monitors on, but things like web browsers and other applications load slower.

I hope nVidia fixes their drivers to work better with Wayland. I can't afford to buy another GPU and switch to AMD. I would if I could.

RyanSwan0 commented 1 year ago

I switched to Wayland because X11 doesn't like monitors with different refresh rates. Let's see if this works.

NRCarballo commented 3 months ago

Someone can configure Kde/wayland to work properly with Nvidia? It show glitches in browser and videos.

Arch linux Kernel: 6.7.9-arch1-1 DE: Plasma 6.0.1 WM: kwin

I7 12700K Nvidia RTX 3060 (In X11 it works pretty fine)

Shuunen commented 3 months ago

Hey :) I had tearing on my Zorin (gnome) setup with intel graphics, I created the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf file and restart, had the artefact issues, removed the old package and boom everything works well, thanks a lot for your guide !