Open kosherplay-betatester opened 3 weeks ago
I also looked into a downloader or quicklauncher without staying on the system for the sysinternal tools in winutil once.
I did not yet do any try to implement it. I'd like to know what other contributers or Chris think about this Idea tho.
after you unzip sysinternals to %WINDIR% and run RAMMap64.exe -Ew it will emditietly initiate Empty Working Set and you are ready for gaming or working whatever
this code does it all automatically, checks if it already in %windir% if not it download and unpack the zip from microsoft into win dir , then execute RAMMap64.exe -Ew and also adds a nice ready to go Shortcut on the screen to run "RAMMap64.exe -Ew" on and instant
i'd be happy to see this addon to next winUtil version
As far as my research goes for the -ew flag id say if you restart the system, it will effectively clear the working set and free up memory, just like using the RAMMap64.exe -Ew command. Upon restarting, all processes and their associated memory allocations are reset, which includes clearing out the working set.
Having the option to download sysinternal tools is nice I'd say, but I don't see the benefit of having this function of the tool run for example as tweak in the utility.
If I did not get something correct I'd be happy if you could clarify or inform me :)
Every PC has 16 or 32 GB these days.
A reboot to clear the ram is done a few seconds.
Does the wonderful winutil really needs it? open source
Clear Ram Now (super script to auto install and RAMMap64.exe -Ew command with and auto added icon on the desktop
.bat version @echo off :: BatchGotAdmin :------------------------------------- REM --> Check for Administrator privileges by attempting to access a system-protected file. REM If the user doesn't have admin rights, the script will try to elevate itself using UAC.
REM --> If the error level is not 0, it means the user does not have administrator rights. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo =========================================================================== echo This script requires administrative privileges to run. echo Please press any key to request elevation. echo =========================================================================== pause echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin )
:UACPrompt REM Create a temporary VBScript to elevate the script using UAC. REM The VBScript runs the same batch file with elevated privileges.
:gotAdmin REM The script now runs with admin privileges, so we can proceed with the rest of the operations. pushd "%CD%" REM Save the current directory. CD /D "%~dp0" REM Change the directory to the script's location.
REM Define variables for paths and file names used in the script.
set "RAMMAP_PATH=%windir%\RAMMap64.exe" REM Path to the RAMMap executable in the Windows directory. set "SHORTCUT_NAME=Clear RAM Now.lnk" REM Name of the desktop shortcut that will be created. set "DESKTOP_PATH=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop" REM Path to the current user's desktop. set "SHORTCUT_PATH=%DESKTOP_PATH%\%SHORTCUT_NAME%" REM Full path for the desktop shortcut.
REM Check if RAMMap64.exe already exists in the Windows directory.
if exist "%RAMMAP_PATH%" ( echo RAMMap64.exe already exists. ) else ( REM If RAMMap64.exe does not exist, download and install it.
REM Check if the desktop shortcut already exists.
if exist "%SHORTCUT_PATH%" ( REM If the shortcut already exists, no need to create it again. echo Shortcut 'Clear RAM Now' already exists on Desktop. ) else ( REM If the shortcut doesn't exist, create it.
REM Now, run RAMMap64.exe with the -Ew argument to clear Empty Working Sets and free up memory.
echo Running RAMMap64.exe -Ew to clear Empty Working Sets... "%RAMMAP_PATH%" -Ew
REM If the command runs successfully, display a success message. echo Memory has been cleared successfully.
REM Pause to allow the user to see the result before the script closes. pause
.Ps1 version
Check for Administrator privileges
This block checks if the script is running with administrator rights. If not, it exits with a warning.
if (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)) { Write-Warning "This script needs to be run as Administrator." exit }
Set strict error handling to stop execution on any errors
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Define the path to RAMMap64.exe in the Windows directory
This variable holds the path where RAMMap64.exe will be installed or where it should already be located.
$rammapExe = Join-Path $env:windir "RAMMap64.exe"
Define the desktop shortcut path
This defines the name and location of the shortcut that will be created on the user's desktop.
$shortcutName = "Clear RAM Now.lnk" $desktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") # Get the user's Desktop path $shortcutPath = Join-Path $desktopPath $shortcutName
Check if RAMMap64.exe already exists
if (Test-Path $rammapExe) {
RAMMap64.exe exists, so we don't need to download it
} else {
If RAMMap64.exe doesn't exist, download and install it