Open christoffertoft opened 4 years ago
Hi. I have created a very trimmed down example for you here:
Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. If you like my apps please leave a rating on splunkbase :) all the best.
@ChrisYounger - Hi and thanks for your effort! I was very unclear I can see, sorry for that. I meant to say in a regular non-Splunk-Dashboard webpage (e.g. just html and javascript). I've gotten as far as running the parts of the code you've broken out in this example, But when I add the model to the editor, the syntax highlighting/coloring does not work. If i remove the model, the highlighting works (but obviously the other parts of the code, such as rebuildTokens
and others who rely on the model does not.
I understand this is hard for you to debug. I'll add some code here to show you what i'm working with:
<script src="{{url_for('static',filename='vs/basic-languages/spl/spl_language.js')}}"></script>
spl_language = getSplLanguageDef().spl_language
$hl_description = $("#hl_description")
$hl_description_select = $(".hl_description_select")
$hl_description_content = $(".hl_description_content")
monaco.editor.defineTheme('vs-dark-spl', {
base: 'vs-dark',
inherit: true,
rules: [
{ token: 'function', foreground: 'c586c0' }, // pink
{ token: 'command', foreground: '569cd6', fontStyle: 'bold' }, // blue - make bold?
{ token: 'pipe', foreground: 'd4d4d4', fontStyle: 'bold' }, // white bold
{ token: 'argument', foreground: '3dc9b0' }, // teal
{ token: 'keyword', foreground: 'dd6a6f' }, // normal AND|OR|WHERE etc
{ token: 'operator', foreground: 'd4d4d4' }, // red
{ token: 'string', foreground: 'ce9178' }, // orange
{ token: 'number', foreground: 'b5cea8' }, // green
{ token: 'delimiter', foreground: 'DCDCDC' }, // gray
{ token: 'invalid', foreground: 'FF0000' }, // red
{ token: 'macro.comment', foreground: '608B4E' }, // green
{ token: 'macro.comment.wrap', foreground: '808080' }, // grey
{ token: 'macro.args', foreground: '74B0DF' }, // macro args
{ token: 'macro.function', foreground: '9CDCFE' }, // macro name
monaco.editor.defineTheme('vs-spl', {
base: 'vs',
inherit: true,
rules: [
{ token: 'function', foreground: 'CF00CF' }, // pink
{ token: 'command', foreground: '2662FC' }, // blue - make bold?
{ token: 'pipe', foreground: '000000', fontStyle: 'bold' }, // white bold
{ token: 'argument', foreground: '02ac76' }, //
{ token: 'keyword', foreground: 'ff6928' }, // orange AND|OR|WHERE etc
{ token: 'operator', foreground: '808080' }, //
{ token: 'string', foreground: 'A31515' }, // teal
{ token: 'number', foreground: '09885A' }, // green
{ token: 'delimiter', foreground: '383838' }, // gray
{ token: 'invalid', foreground: 'FF0000' }, // red
{ token: 'macro.comment', foreground: '008000' }, // green
{ token: 'macro.comment.wrap', foreground: '808080' }, // grey
{ token: 'macro.args', foreground: 'AF00DB' }, // macro args
{ token: 'macro.function', foreground: 'FF00FF' }, // macro name
var tokens = [];
var data = {};
var $hl_container = $("#search_string");
//var theme = "vs-dark";
var model = monaco.editor.createModel(getSpl());
var editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("search_string"), {
language: 'spl',
automaticLayout: true,
minimap: {
enabled: false
model: model,
scrollBeyondLastLine: false,
wordWrap: "on",
lineNumbers: false
var shown_log_message = false;
// Register a new simple language for prettying up git diffs
monaco.languages.register({ id: 'spl' });
monaco.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider('spl', spl_language.lang);
// Go through the SPL tokens and determine what command is currently hovered
//Call rebuild to populate tokens[] with data
WHenever I log the tokens, they are set. I don't know how to debug why the code highlighting is not working. Super thankful for replies.
I rated your app on splunkbase !
Before I take the time to look deeply at your code, I just wanted to point out there there is already a non-splunk example here:
This can run outside of Splunk. It uses the same javascript code, except it has a small amount of branching logic triggered by standaloneMode = true
From your example it is not clear to me that you are loading the monaco libraries. I assume you are doing this? Also, are any errors showing in your browser console log?
All the best. Chris.
@ChrisYounger I managed to solve it using your code snippet in this example! This is how it looks once working:
monaco.languages.register({ id: 'spl' });
monaco.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider('spl', spl_language.lang);
var tokens = [];
var data = {};
var $hl_container = $("#search_string");
//var theme = "vs-dark";
var model = monaco.editor.createModel(getSpl());
var editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("search_string"), {
language: 'spl',
automaticLayout: true,
minimap: {
enabled: false
model: model,
scrollBeyondLastLine: false,
wordWrap: "on",
lineNumbers: false
var shown_log_message = false;
// Register a new simple language for prettying up git diffs
// Go through the SPL tokens and determine what command is currently hovered
monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(model, "spl");
//Call rebuild to populate tokens[] with data
Lots of thanks for your assistance!!
awesome. glad to hear it :)
Hi Chris, and thanks for making this app. If i wanted to use the highlighting in a separate page, what would i need to do? lift the spl.js file into a subfolder of the basic-languages folder of Monaco?
Thankful for replies.