Christiaanvandertol / SCOPE

SCOPE is a simulation model for radiative transfer, photosynthesis and energy fluxes in vegetation and soil.
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what are the meanings of the six parameters loaded from the .atm file? #2

Closed geoalchimista closed 4 years ago

geoalchimista commented 6 years ago

Dear Prof. van der Tol,

According to the User Manual, the SCOPE model uses 6 parameters from the atmospheric spectral data calculated from MODTRAN. From the comments in aggreg.m, I was able to identify them as the columns toasun, rdd, tss, tsd, tssrdd, Lab in the .atm file.

I wonder what physical meanings do these parameters carry. They were neither explained in the manual nor in the code (RTMo.m and aggreg.m). I can sort of guess toasun may be the top of the atmosphere solar radiation, and tss is the solar zenith angle, but have no idea about the rest. Could you explain a bit what these parameters mean?

Many thanks!

best regards, Wu Sun @ UCLA

wangsonghan commented 6 years ago

Dear Prof. van der Tol,

I'm doing some simulations using MODTRAN5 and SCOPE. Now there is a question about the .atm file. How can I calculate the parameters in the .atm files with my own MODTRAN5 output? Could you explain what these parameters mean or is there some codes could calculate them?

Many thanks!

best regards, Wang Songhan from Nanjing university

Christiaanvandertol commented 6 years ago

Dear Wang Songhan and Wu Sun,

Thanks for this question. The parameters in the .atm file are explained, figure 2. I will add a code called 'soltir_tp7.m' to the repository to create the .atm files from MODTRAN 5.2.1 output.

Kind regards, Christiaan van der Tol Univ of Twente, Netherlands

wangsonghan commented 6 years ago

Dear Prof. van der Tol, Thank you very much for your sharing. The code is very helpful for us. Thanks a lot!

best regards, Wang Songhan from Nanjing university