Christian-health / StudyNote2017

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ngx-restangular 笔记 #8

Open Christian-health opened 6 years ago

Christian-health commented 6 years ago



This project is the follow-up of the Restangular. Ngx-restangular is an Angular 2+ service that simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests with a minimum of client code. It's a perfect fit for any WebApp that consumes data from a RESTful API.

这个项目是Restangular的后续工作。 Ngx-restangular是一种Angular 2+服务,可以使用最少的客户端代码简化常见的GET,POST,DELETE和UPDATE请求。 它适用于任何从RESTful API中消耗数据的WebApp。

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Current stage 现阶段

Ngx-restangular almost all functionality was transferred from the Restangular. We are open to any cooperation in terms of its further development. Ngx-restangular几乎所有的功能都从Restangular转移。 我们愿意在进一步发展方面进行任何合作。

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Renaming from ng2-restangular to ngx-restangular 命名的改变原因

This project was renamed from ng2-restangular to ngx-restangular due to implementation of Semantic Versioning by Angular Core Team. NPM name also changed, you can install actual version of project with npm install ngx-restangular.

由于Angular Core Team的语义版本控制的实现,该项目从ng2-restangular重命名为ngx-restangular。 NPM名称也改变了,可以使用npm安装ngx-restangular安装实际版本的项目。

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

How do I add this to my project in angular 4? 如何在angular4工程中添加

You can download this by: Using npm and running npm install ngx-restangular 你可以下载: 使用npm并运行npm install ngx-restangular

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Dependencies 依赖

Restangular depends on Angular2+ and Lodash. Restangular 取决于Angular2 +和Lodash。

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Quick Configuration (For Lazy Readers) 快速配置(懒人教程)


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { RestangularModule, Restangular } from 'ngx-restangular'; //导入Restangular相关

// Function for setting the default restangular configuration

export function RestangularConfigFactory (RestangularProvider) {
  RestangularProvider.setDefaultHeaders({'Authorization': 'Bearer UDXPx-Xko0w4BRKajozCVy20X11MRZs1'});

// AppModule is the main entry point into Angular2 bootstraping process
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // Importing RestangularModule and making default configs for restanglar
   // 导入RestangularModule并为restanglar创建默认配置
export class AppModule {

// later in code ...
export class OtherComponent {
  constructor(private restangular: Restangular) { //导入restAngualr 

  ngOnInit() {
    // GET http://api.test.local/v1/users/2/accounts'users', 2).all('accounts').getList(); //使用restAngular
Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Using Restangular 使用Observables

Creating Main Restangular object. 创建主Restangular对象

There are 3 ways of creating a main Restangular object. The first one and most common one is by stating the main route of all requests. The second one is by stating the main route and object of all requests. 有三种创建Restangular主要对象的方法。 第一个也是最常见的一个是通过说明所有请求的主要路由。 第二个是通过说明所有请求的主要路由和对象。

// Only stating main route 只是描述主要路由 Restangular.all('accounts')

// Stating main object 描述主要对象'accounts', 1234)

// Gets a list of all of those accounts
Restangular.several('accounts', 1234, 123, 12345);

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Lets Code with Observables! 使用Observables

Now that we have our main Object let's start playing with it. 现在我们有我们的主要Object让我们开始和它愉快的玩耍。

// AppModule is the main entry point into Angular2 bootstraping process
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // Importing RestangularModule
export class AppModule {

export class OtherComponent {

  constructor(private restangular: Restangular) {

  ngOnInit() {
    // First way of creating a this.restangular object. Just saying the base URL
    let baseAccounts = this.restangular.all('accounts');

    // This will query /accounts and return a observable.
    baseAccounts.getList().subscribe(accounts => {
      this.allAccounts = accounts;

    let newAccount = {name: "Gonto's account"};

    // POST /accounts;

    // GET to You set the URL in this case
    this.restangular.allUrl('googlers', '').getList();

    // GET to You set the URL in this case
    this.restangular.oneUrl('googlers', '').get();

    // You can do RequestLess "connections" if you need as well

    // Just ONE GET to /accounts/123/buildings/456'accounts', 123).one('buildings', 456).get();

    // Just ONE GET to /accounts/123/buildings'accounts', 123).getList('buildings');

    // Here we use Observables
    // GET /accounts
    let baseAccounts$ = baseAccounts.getList().subscribe(accounts => {
      // Here we can continue fetching the tree :).

      let firstAccount = accounts[0];
      // This will query /accounts/123/buildings considering 123 is the id of the firstAccount
      let buildings = firstAccount.getList("buildings");

      // GET /accounts/123/places?query=param with request header: x-user:mgonto
      let loggedInPlaces = firstAccount.getList("places", {query: 'param'}, {'x-user': 'mgonto'});

      // This is a regular JS object, we can change anything we want :) = "Gonto";

      // If we wanted to keep the original as it is, we can copy it to a new element
      let editFirstAccount = this.restangular.copy(firstAccount); = "New Name";

      // PUT /accounts/123. The name of this account will be changed from now on

      // PUT /accounts/123. Save will do POST or PUT accordingly;

      // DELETE /accounts/123 We don't have first account anymore :(

    }, () => {
      alert("Oops error from server :(");

    // Get first account
    let firstAccount$ = baseAccounts$.map(accounts => accounts[0]);

    // POST /accounts/123/buildings with MyBuilding information
    firstAccount$.switchMap(firstAccount => {
      var myBuilding = {
        name: "Gonto's Building",
        place: "Argentina"

      return"Buildings", myBuilding)
    .subscribe(() => {
      console.log("Object saved OK");
    }, () => {
      console.log("There was an error saving");

    // GET /accounts/123/users?query=params
    firstAccount$.switchMap(firstAccount => {
      var myBuilding = {
        name: "Gonto's Building",
        place: "Argentina"

      return firstAccount.getList("users", {query: 'params'});
    .subscribe((users) => {
      // Instead of posting nested element, a collection can post to itself
      // POST /accounts/123/users{userName: 'unknown'});

      // Custom methods are available now :).
      // GET /accounts/123/users/messages?param=myParam
      users.customGET("messages", {param: "myParam"});

      var firstUser = users[0];

      // GET /accounts/123/users/456. Just in case we want to update one user :)
      let userFromServer = firstUser.get();

      // ALL http methods are available :)
      // HEAD /accounts/123/users/456
    }, () => {
      console.log("There was an error saving");

    // Second way of creating this.restangular object. URL and ID :)
    var account ="accounts", 123);

    // GET /accounts/123?single=true
    this.account = account.get({single: true});

    // POST /accounts/123/messages?param=myParam with the body of name: "My Message"
    account.customPOST({name: "My Message"}, "messages", {param: "myParam"}, {})
Christian-health commented 6 years ago

addErrorInterceptor 添加错误拦截器

The errorInterceptor is called whenever there's an error. It's a function that receives the response, subject and the Restangular-response handler as parameters. 每当有错误时调用errorInterceptor。 它是一个接收response,subject ,和Restangular-response处理程序函数作为参数。 The errorInterceptor function, whenever it returns false, prevents the observable linked to a Restangular request to be executed. All other return values (besides false) are ignored and the observable follows the usual path, eventually reaching the success or error hooks. errorInterceptor函数,每当返回false,都会阻止链接到Restangular请求的observable被执行。 所有其他返回值(除了false)都被忽略,并且observable遵循通常的路径,最终达到成功或错误的钩子。

The refreshAccesstoken function must return observable. It`s function that will be done before repeating the request, there you can make some actions. In switchMap you might do some transformations to request.

refreshAccesstoken函数必须返回observable。 它的功能将在重复请求之前完成,您可以进行一些操作。 在switchMap中,您可能需要进行一些转换才能请求。

// Function for settting the default restangular configuration
export function RestangularConfigFactory (RestangularProvider, authService) {
  // This function must return observable
  // 这个函数必须返回一个observable
  var refreshAccesstoken = function () {
    // Here you can make action before repeated request
    // 在进行重复的请求之前,你可以在这里执行一些操作
    return authService.functionForTokenUpdate();

  RestangularProvider.addErrorInterceptor((response, subject, responseHandler) => {
    if (response.status === 403) {

      .switchMap(refreshAccesstokenResponse => {//refreshAccesstokenResponse 获取到的新的accessToken,然后进行设置。
        //If you want to change request or make with it some actions and give the request to the repeatRequest func.
        //如果您想要更改请求或者做一些操作,并将请求发送到repeatRequest 函数.或者您可以将其空闲并请求将是一样的。
        //Or you can live it empty and request will be the same.

        // update Authorization header 更新认证header
        response.request.headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + refreshAccesstokenResponse)

        return response.repeatRequest(response.request);//从新进行这个请求
        res => responseHandler(res),
        err => subject.error(err)

      return false; // error handled  错误处理
    return true; // error not handled  错误不处理

// AppModule is the main entry point into Angular2 bootstraping process
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
  imports: [ 
    // Importing RestangularModule and making default configs for restanglar
    // 导入RestangularModule模块,并且为restangular设置默认的配置
    RestangularModule.forRoot([authService], RestangularConfigFactory),


Christian-health commented 6 years ago


The responseInterceptor is called after we get each response from the server. It's a function that receives this arguments: 在我们从服务器获取每个响应之后调用responseInterceptor。 responseInterceptor的参数是一个函数,这个函数的参数如下:

  1. data: The data received got from the server 从服务器中获取的数据
  2. operation: The operation made. It'll be the HTTP method used except for a GET which returns a list of element which will return getList so that you can distinguish them.
  3. what: The model that's being requested. It can be for example: accounts, buildings, etc.
  4. url: The relative URL being requested. For example: /api/v1/accounts/123 请求的url
  5. response: Full server response including headers 完整的请求的回复,包括请求头部

Some of the use cases of the responseInterceptor are handling wrapped responses and enhancing response elements with more methods among others. responseInterceptor使用场景是用来用更多的方法包装响应和增强响应元素。 The responseInterceptor must return the restangularized data element.

 RestangularProvider.addResponseInterceptor((data, operation, what, url, response)=> {
       return data;



Christian-health commented 6 years ago


You can set default Headers to be sent with every request. Send format: {header_name: header_value} 您可以设置每个请求发送的默认headers。 发送格式:{header_name:header_value}

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RestangularModule, Restangular } from 'ngx-restangular';//导入restangular

// Function for settting the default restangular configuration
函数用来设置restangular 的默认配置
export function RestangularConfigFactory (RestangularProvider) {
  RestangularProvider.setDefaultHeaders({'Authorization': 'Bearer UDXPx-Xko0w4BRKajozCVy20X11MRZs1'});

// AppModule is the main entry point into Angular2 bootstraping process
  imports: [
    // Importing RestangularModule and making default configs for restanglar
export class AppModule {
Christian-health commented 6 years ago


The base URL for all calls to your API. For example if your URL for fetching accounts is, then your baseUrl is /api/v1. The default baseUrl is an empty string which resolves to the same url that Angular2 is running, but you can also set an absolute url like if you need to set another domain.

所有API调用的基本URL。例如如果你有一个URL获取accounts ,这个URL是,那么你的baseUrl可以设置成为/api/V1。默认的baseUrl是空的字符串,它解析为Angular2正在运行的URL,但如果您需要设置另一个域,您也可以设置像这样的绝对URL。

Christian-health commented 6 years ago


This is a hook. After each element has been "restangularized" (Added the new methods from Restangular), the corresponding transformer will be called if it fits.

This should be used to add your own methods / functions to entities of certain types.

You can add as many element transformers as you want. The signature of this method can be one of the following:

addElementTransformer(route, transformer): Transformer is called with all elements that have been restangularized, no matter if they're collections or not.

addElementTransformer(route, isCollection, transformer): Transformer is called with all elements that have been restangularized and match the specification regarding if it's a collection or not (true | false)

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Adding Custom Methods to Models



Create custom methods for your models using Restangular.extendModel(). This is an alias for: 使用Restangular.extendModel()为模型创建自定义方法。 这是一个别名: RestangularProvider.addElementTransformer(route, false, fn); Back to top


你可以为这个restangular的对象添加一个方法,这个方法就是prettifyAmount ,

  Restangular.extendModel('accounts', function(model) {
    model.prettifyAmount = function() {};
    return model;

  var account$ ='accounts', 1).get();

  account$.subscribe(function(account) {
    account.prettifyAmount(); // invoke your custom model method
Christian-health commented 6 years ago


Use this property to control whether Restangularized elements to have a parent or not. So, for example if you get an account and then get a nested list of buildings, you may want the buildings URL to be simple /buildings/123 instead of /accounts/123/buildings/123. This property lets you do that. 使用此属性来控制Restangularized(Restangular化的)元素是否具有父级。

This method accepts 1 parameter, it could be: 方法有一个参数: Boolean: Specifies if all elements should be parentless or not 布尔:指定所有的资源都会被当作孤立资源处理,没有任何URL会进行嵌套 Array: Specifies the routes (types) of all elements that should be parentless. For example ['buildings'] 只有数组中的资源,才会被当作孤立的资源处理。

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

How to create a Restangular service with a different configuration from the global one


Let's assume that for most requests you need some configuration (The global one), and for just a bunch of methods you need another configuration. In that case, you'll need to create another Restangular service with this particular configuration. This scoped configuration will inherit all defaults from the global one. Let's see how.

我们假设对于大多数请求,您需要一些配置(全局配置),而对于一些方法,您需要另一个配置。 在这种情况下,您将需要使用此特定配置创建另一个Restangular服务。 此范围配置将从全局配置继承所有默认值。 我们来看看怎么样

// Function for settting the default restangular configuration
export function RestangularConfigFactory (RestangularProvider) {

//Restangular service that uses Bing
export const RESTANGULAR_BING = new InjectionToken<any>('RestangularBing');
export function RestangularBingFactory(restangular: Restangular) {
  return restangular.withConfig((RestangularConfigurer) => {

// AppModule is the main entry point into Angular2 bootstraping process
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // Global configuration
  providers: [
    { provide: RESTANGULAR_BING, useFactory:  RestangularBingFactory, deps: [Restangular] }
export class AppModule {}

// Let's use it in the component
export class OtherComponent {
    @Inject(Restangular) public Restangular,
    @Inject(RESTANGULAR_BING) public RestangularBing
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    // GET to
    // Uses global configuration

    // GET to
    // Uses Bing configuration which is based on Global one, therefore .json is added.
Christian-health commented 6 years ago

How can I handle errors? 如何进行错误处理?

Errors can be checked on the second argument of the subscribe. 错误能在subscribe中的第二个参数进行处理

Restangular.all("accounts").getList().subscribe( response => {
  console.log("All ok");
}, errorResponse => {
  console.log("Error with status code", errorResponse.status);//错误在这里进行处理
Christian-health commented 6 years ago

I need to send Authorization token in EVERY Restangular request, how can I do this?

我想在每一个Restangular请求中添加认证token ,我该怎么做?

You can use setDefaultHeaders or addFullRequestInterceptor 你可以使用setDefaultHeaders 或者是 addFullRequestInterceptor

也就是说想要在头部加上认证token,只有两种方式: (1)setDefaultHeaders (2)addFullRequestInterceptor

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { RestangularModule } from 'ngx-restangular';
import { authService } from '../your-services';

// Function for settting the default restangular configuration
export function RestangularConfigFactory (RestangularProvider, authService) {

  // set static header   设置静态的restAngular头部
  RestangularProvider.setDefaultHeaders({'Authorization': 'Bearer UDXPx-Xko0w4BRKajozCVy20X11MRZs1'});

  // by each request to the server receive a token and update headers with it
  RestangularProvider.addFullRequestInterceptor((element, operation, path, url, headers, params) => {
    let bearerToken = authService.getBearerToken();

    return {
      headers: Object.assign({}, headers, {Authorization: `Bearer ${bearerToken}`})

// AppModule is the main entry point into Angular2 bootstraping process
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // Importing RestangularModule and making default configs for restanglar
    RestangularModule.forRoot([authService], RestangularConfigFactory),
export class AppModule {
Christian-health commented 6 years ago

How can I send a delete WITHOUT a body?

怎样能让delete操作没有body?? You must add a requestInterceptor for this. 你可以在requestInterceptor 中添加这些:

RestangularProvider.setRequestInterceptor(function(elem, operation) {
  if (operation === "remove") {//如果是remove操作,那么就返回null
     return null;
  return elem;//如果是其他的操作返回的是elem
Christian-health commented 6 years ago

I need to send one header in EVERY Restangular request, how can I do this? **

我想在每一个Restangular 请求中添加一个header,我该怎么做? You can use defaultHeaders property for this. defaultsHeaders can be scoped with withConfig so it's really cool. 你可以使用defaultHeaders 属性来解决这个问题,

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Methods description 方法说明

There are 3 sets of methods. Collections have some methods and elements have others. There are are also some common methods for all of them

有3套方法。 Collections 有一些方法和elements 有其他的。 集合和元素之间也有一些共同的方法。

Collections 方法 elements 方法 Collections 和elements 的共同方法

Restangular methods

Restangular 方法

These are the methods that can be called on the Restangular object. Restangular 对象上可以调用的方法

one(route, id): This will create a new Restangular object that is just a pointer to one element with the route route and the specified id.

 constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private restangular: Restangular, private router: Router) {
    this.heroes = restangular.all("heroes");

  ngOnInit() {
    this.route.params.forEach((params: Params) => { = +params['id'];
   //restangular的one方法的使用,"heroes", => {
      this.hero = res;

all(route): This will create a new Restangular object that is just a pointer to a list of elements for the specified path.

export class HeroListComponent {

  private heroes;

  public heroList: Hero[];

  constructor(public restangular: Restangular) {
    this.heroes = restangular.all("heroes");//使用 restangular.all

  ngOnInit() {
//使用 restangular.all().getList()
    this.heroes.getList().subscribe(heroes => {
      this.heroList = heroes;

//下面这些函数没有使用 oneUrl(route, url): This will create a new Restangular object that is just a pointer to one element with the specified URL.

allUrl(route, url): This creates a Restangular object that is just a pointer to a list at the specified URL.

copy(fromElement): This will create a copy of the from element so that we can modify the copied one.

restangularizeElement(parent, element, route, queryParams): Restangularizes a new element

restangularizeCollection(parent, element, route, queryParams): Restangularizes a new collection

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Methods description 方法说明

There are 3 sets of methods. Collections have some methods and elements have others. There are are also some common methods for all of them

有3套方法。 Collections 有一些方法和elements 有其他的。 集合和元素之间也有一些共同的方法。

Collections 方法 elements 方法 Collections 和elements 的共同方法

Element methods



  ngOnInit() {
    this.route.params.forEach((params: Params) => { = +params['id'];
   //这里在this.restangular.one上面调用的方法"heroes", => {
      this.hero = res;

get([queryParams, headers]): Gets the element. Query params and headers are optionals

getList(subElement, [queryParams, headers]): Gets a nested resource. subElement is mandatory. It's a string with the name of the nested resource (and URL). For example buildings

put([queryParams, headers]): Does a put to the current element

post(subElement, elementToPost, [queryParams, headers]): Does a POST and creates a subElement. Subelement is mandatory and is the nested resource. Element to post is the object to post to the server

remove([queryParams, headers]): Does a DELETE. By default, remove sends a request with an empty object, which may cause problems with some servers or browsers. This shows how to configure RESTangular to have no payload.

head([queryParams, headers]): Does a HEAD

trace([queryParams, headers]): Does a TRACE

options([queryParams, headers]): Does a OPTIONS

patch(object, [queryParams, headers]): Does a PATCH

one(route, id): Used for RequestLess connections and URL Building. See section below.

all(route): Used for RequestLess connections and URL Building. See section below.

several(route, ids)*: Used for RequestLess connections and URL Building. See section below.

oneUrl(route, url): This will create a new Restangular object that is just a pointer to one element with the specified URL.

allUrl(route, url): This creates a Restangular object that is just a pointer to a list at the specified URL.

getRestangularUrl(): Gets the URL of the current object.

getRequestedUrl(): Gets the real URL the current object was requested with (incl. GET parameters). Will equal getRestangularUrl() when no parameters were used, before calling get(), or when using on a nested child.

getParentList(): Gets the parent list to which it belongs (if any)

clone(): Copies the element. It's an alias to calling Restangular.copy(elem).

plain(): Returns the plain element received from the server without any of the enhanced methods from Restangular. It's an alias to calling Restangular.stripRestangular(elem)

save: Calling save will determine whether to do PUT or POST accordingly

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Copying elements

拷贝元素 Before modifying an object, we sometimes want to copy it and then modify the copied object. We can use Restangular.copy(fromElement). 在修改一个对象之前,我们有些时候想要拷贝它,并且修改拷贝的副本,我们可以使用 Restangular.copy(fromElement)

Christian-health commented 6 years ago

Using values directly in templates with Observables


If you want to use values directly in templates use AsyncPipe 使用异步的管道的方式 “async”

this.accounts = this.restangular.all('accounts').getList();
<tr *ngFor="let account of accounts | async">
Christian-health commented 6 years ago


Restangular comes with defaults for all of its properties but you can configure them. So, if you don't need to configure something, there's no need to add the configuration. You can set all these configurations in RestangularModule to change the global configuration, you can also use the withConfig method in Restangular service to create a new Restangular service with some scoped configuration or use withConfig in component to make specified Restangular


You can configure Restangular "withConfig" like in example below, you can also configure them globally RestangularModule or in service with withConfig 上面这句话的意思就是说配置restangular有两种方式,第一种方式是在app.moudule.ts文件中配置restangular.

// Function for settting the default restangular configuration 

export function RestangularConfigFactory (RestangularProvider) {

  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // Global configuration
export class AppModule {}

// Let's use it in the component
export class OtherComponent {
  constructor(private restangular: Restangular) {}

  ngOnInit() {
//第二种方式,使用 restangular.withConfig方式配置restangular
    restangular.withConfig((RestangularConfigurer) => {