ChristianGerloff / set-you-free

Automated search across multiple databases and preprint servers to save your time during structured literature search and review.
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use ieee & scopus as databases based on api key availability #27

Open kashyapm94 opened 2 years ago

kashyapm94 commented 2 years ago

If the user has chosen all the databases by default but has no API key for IEEE & Scopus, can we remove these databases automatically before the search begins?

Currently, if all the databases are used, the search function gets the following parameter as input:

databases = ['ACM', 'arXiv', 'bioRxiv', 'IEEE', 'medRxiv', 'PubMed', 'Scopus']

By automatically removing the above-mentioned databases if their API keys are None, the parameter becomes:

databases = ['ACM', 'arXiv', 'bioRxiv', 'medRxiv', 'PubMed']