ChristianKuehnel / plantgateway

Bluetooth to mqtt gateway for Xiaomi Mi plant sensors
Apache License 2.0
271 stars 43 forks source link

Selecting bluetooth device #18

Closed syphernl closed 6 years ago

syphernl commented 6 years ago

I've been using this for some time now on a Pi downstairs. However, due to the range it isn't capable of reaching plants upstairs. Upstairs I have an RPI W Zero with additional bluetooth USB stick (since the primary/onboard bluetooth is being used for constant polling).

I'd like to install Plantgateway on this pi as well and make it use the second bluetooth stick in the system. However, looking trough the config and code I couldn't find a way to tell it which device to use.

Is this possible somehow?

ChristianKuehnel commented 6 years ago

Now it is possible :smile: I just added the parameter interface: 1 to the config file. With this parameter you can select which Bluetooth interface shall be used by the plantgateway...

It's in the latest release

syphernl commented 6 years ago

Awesome, thanks for adding this so quickly! Now only I have to figure out how to fix #15 so I can actually use it 😄

syphernl commented 6 years ago

Works like a charm!

ChristianKuehnel commented 6 years ago

You're welcome 😄