ChristianTremblay / pyhaystack

Pyhaystack is a module that allow python programs to connect to a haystack server Connection can be established with Niagara Platform running the nhaystack, Skyspark and Widesky. For this to work with Anaconda IPython Notebook in Windows, be sure to use "python install" using the Anaconda Command Prompt in Windows. If not, module will be installed for System path python but won't work in the environment of Anaconda IPython Notebook. You will need hszinc 1.3+ for this to work.
Apache License 2.0
74 stars 32 forks source link

Update #43

Closed pierresigwalt closed 7 years ago

pierresigwalt commented 7 years ago

Working version Niagara, able to have the remoteSignature checked with the server one. Will need to test with an other url afterwards to see if we are able to use the session to retrieve the data

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0.2%) to 37.026% when pulling 83919e85137308f042d2aca39414b4b30616b76d on pierresigwalt:patch-3 into 4139cd6c05eeb947c400807eaf6377d1f1331fc0 on ChristianTremblay:feature/scram.