ChristophHaag / SteamVR-OpenHMD

SteamVR plugin for using OpenHMD drivers in SteamVR
Boost Software License 1.0
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SteamVR MacOS support? #1

Open oscarbg opened 6 years ago

oscarbg commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have Oculus DK2 which is supported by OpenHMD and would like to try to add Metal2 (Macos) support for a simple OpenVR app and running on Macos.. notice I don't even know if OpenHMD compiles/works on Macos but if yes then is your project compatible with SteamVR for Macos (which supports Macos 10.13 High sierra)?


ChristophHaag commented 6 years ago

I don't know much about Mac OS X but in general OpenHMD should work on Mac OS X. Recently I've seen someone complain about OpenHMD not matching hidapi paths correctly or something, so by all means, open bug reports for OpenHMD if it doesn't work and come to #openhmd in freenode.

SteamVR-OpenHMD is 100% untested on anything but Linux, and I'm unsure if anyone else has even tried it yet. :)

I do believe it should "just work" cross platform, except for maybe this configuration I hacked together:

If you don't have controllers and the "config file" thing doesn't work, you probably want to edit it to say

else {
        DriverLog("could not open config file %s, using defaults\n", filename);
        vals[0] = 0; // openhmd index for the hmd to use for the display setup
        vals[1] = 0; // openhmd index for the tracker of the hmd, in case with Nolo or so it's a different tracker
        vals[2] = -1; // openhmd index of the left controller, -1 disables it
        vals[3] = -1; // openhmd index of the right controller

or something like that.

Anyway, since OpenHMD doesn't have positional tracking support for the DK2 yet (soon™), if you don't have Nolo or other external positional trackers there may be alternatives that work with the old Oculus SDK that was still cross platform.

oscarbg commented 6 years ago

thanks for all information.. I'm gonna try all options and report..

marl0n commented 5 years ago

Any luck? Could I get a Samsung Odyssey+ working on OSX within FCPX trough OpenHMD?