ChristophHaag / SteamVR-OpenHMD

SteamVR plugin for using OpenHMD drivers in SteamVR
Boost Software License 1.0
194 stars 32 forks source link

Steam VR Error 308 with Oculus Rift #25

Open RainbowDash956 opened 5 years ago

RainbowDash956 commented 5 years ago

Whenever I try to start SteamVR with my rift connected it just gives error 308 and says "A key component of steamVR isn't working. Here's my vrserver.txt

Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.412820 - //============================================================================================== Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.412837 - ================================================================================================ Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.412842 - ================================================================================================ Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.412848 - vrserver startup with PID=19968, config=/home/chris/.local/share/Steam/config, runtime=/home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.413128 - Setting shared memory namespace to 19968 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.413215 - VR server (v1553729449) starting up with config=/home/chris/.local/share/Steam/config Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.413222 - VRServer will wait for VRMonitor before exiting Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.413287 - CIPCPipe::CreatePipe(VR_ServerPipe_19968) bound to 39987 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.442783 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/resources/settings/default.vrsettings Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.442875 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/htc/resources/settings/default.vrsettings Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.442897 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/lighthouse/resources/settings/default.vrsettings Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.442926 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/chris/SteamVR-OpenHMD/build/resources/settings/default.vrsettings Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.442949 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/null/resources/settings/default.vrsettings Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.443249 - [Settings] Load Json Settings from /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/config/steamvr.vrsettings Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.443474 - Unable to read app config file from /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/config/appconfig.json. No applications will be available Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.443573 - /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/tools/tools.vrmanifest - App openvr.tool.steamvr_media_player must specify binary_path for launch_type binary. Skipping Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.443589 - /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/tools/tools.vrmanifest - App openvr.tool.steamvr_desktop_gametheatre Working directory /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/tools/steamvr_desktop_game_theater/linux64 is invalid. Skipping. Skipping Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.443736 - /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/resources/config/runtime.vrmanifest - App openvr.component.vrwebhelper binary_path /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/vrwebhelper/vrwebhelper is invalid. SKipping. Skipping Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.521792 - Add Json firmware manifest from {htc}/firmware/manifest.vrfirmware Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.521837 - New Connect message from /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/linux64/vrstartup (VRApplication_Bootstrapper) (Args: ) 19877 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.521938 - Add Json firmware manifest from {lighthouse}/firmware/manifest.vrfirmware Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.522030 - Setting app openvr.component.vrstartup PID to 19877 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.522056 - [Web] Starting web server on port localhost:8998 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.522966 - driver gamepad implements interfaces IVRSettings_002 ITrackedDeviceServerDriver_005 IVRDisplayComponent_002 IVRDriverDirectModeComponent_005 IVRCameraComponent_003 IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_004 IVRWatchdogProvider_001 IVRVirtualDisplay_002 IVRDriverManager_001 IVRResources_001 IVRCompositorPluginProvider_001 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.522979 - Loaded server driver gamepad (IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_004) from /home/chris/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/gamepad/bin/linux64/ Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.522986 - Driver gamepad has no suitable devices. Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.522993 - Not loading driver lighthouse because it is disabled in settings Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.523004 - Not loading driver oculus because it is disabled in settings Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:18.523010 - Not loading driver oculus_legacy because it is disabled in settings Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:19.029382 - [Steam] Steam INIT. Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691018 - openhmd: device 0 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691088 - openhmd: vendor: Oculus VR, Inc. Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691114 - openhmd: product: Rift (CV1) Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691134 - openhmd: path: 0001:000d:00

Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691148 - openhmd: device 1 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691160 - openhmd: vendor: OpenHMD Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691173 - openhmd: product: External Device Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691186 - openhmd: path: (none)

Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691198 - openhmd: device 2 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691210 - openhmd: vendor: OpenHMD Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691222 - openhmd: product: HMD Null Device Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691235 - openhmd: path: (none)

Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691247 - openhmd: device 3 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691259 - openhmd: vendor: OpenHMD Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691272 - openhmd: product: Left Controller Null Device Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691284 - openhmd: path: (none)

Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691297 - openhmd: device 4 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691309 - openhmd: vendor: OpenHMD Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691321 - openhmd: product: Right Controller Null Device Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691334 - openhmd: path: (none)

Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691365 - openhmd: could not open config file /home/chris/.ohmd_config.txt, using default headset 0 with no controller Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691385 - openhmd: could not open config file /home/chris/.ohmd_config.txt, using default headset 0 with no controller Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691401 - openhmd: could not open config file /home/chris/.ohmd_config.txt, using default headset 0 with no controller Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691417 - openhmd: could not open config file /home/chris/.ohmd_config.txt, using default headset 0 with no controller Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.691431 - openhmd: Using HMD Display 0, HMD Tracker 0, Left Controller -1, Right Controller -1 Thu Apr 11 2019 01:35:28.692490 - openhmd: failed to open device: Could not open device with index: 0, check device permissions?

Using PopOS (Ubuntu-based) 18.10

JulianGro commented 5 years ago

Did you give OpenHMD permission to access the Rift using udev rules?