ChristophHaag / SteamVR-OpenHMD

SteamVR plugin for using OpenHMD drivers in SteamVR
Boost Software License 1.0
195 stars 32 forks source link

SteamVR "Please plug in your VR headset" with PSVR on Linux #45

Open cvincent opened 3 years ago

cvincent commented 3 years ago

I'm attempting to get this working with my PSVR. But it appears that the PSVR is not detected by SteamVR.

I've ensured SteamVR itself was working correctly with the null driver (had to do sudo mv /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.x86_64.json /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.x86_64.json.disabled).

The hardware setup consists of the breakout box with HMDI from the "PS4" port to my laptop's HDMI output. The "TV" port is not used. And the box is connected to the laptop's USB.

With this setup, the headset is recognized as a second display, and I can see an empty desktop through it. When I build and run the simple example included with OpenHMD, the console output shows that it's correctly tracking the headset's location. The display itself still shows an empty desktop after running simple, except way out of focus.

I'm running STEAMVR linux_temp 1.8.21. My steamvr.vrsettings looks like this:

   "driver_lighthouse" : {
      "enable" : false
   "driver_oculus" : {
      "enable" : false
   "driver_oculus_legacy" : {
      "enable" : false
   "driver_openhmd" : {
     "enable": true
   "steamvr" : {
      "installID" : "8212280277125339627"

From the SteamVR System Report:

image image image image

And here is the log output for vrserver.txt:

vrserver.txt Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.988659

Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.988659 - //==============================================================================================
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.988685 - ================================================================================================
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.988697 - ================================================================================================
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.988710 - vrserver 1.8.21 startup with PID=63214, config=/home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/config, runtime=/home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.988853 - CSharedResourceNamespaceServer starting up
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.988897 - Thread attempted to set invalid priority 5
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.988923 - CIPCPipe::ConnectPipe(SteamVR_Namespace) attempting connect to steamvr:SteamVR_Namespace
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.988992 - CIPCPipe::CreatePipe(SteamVR_Namespace) bound to steamvr:SteamVR_Namespace
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.989058 - CSharedResourceNamespaceServer sent namespace data: 63214
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.989091 - CSharedResourceNamespaceClient::Init(): received namespace data 63214
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.989120 - Self queried namespace: 63214
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.990116 - VR server 1.8.21 (v1574294563) starting up with config=/home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/config
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.990131 - VRServer will wait for VRMonitor before exiting
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.990197 - CIPCPipe::CreatePipe(VR_ServerPipe_63214) bound to steamvr:VR_ServerPipe_63214
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.990855 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/htc/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.990924 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/lighthouse/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.990970 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/null/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.991015 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/vendor/SteamVR-OpenHMD/build/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.991147 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:54.991540 - [Settings] Load Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/config/steamvr.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.001138 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/htc/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.001182 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/lighthouse/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.001220 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/vendor/SteamVR-OpenHMD/build/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.001254 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/null/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.001401 - [Settings] Load Default Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/resources/settings/default.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.001790 - [Settings] Load Json Settings from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/config/steamvr.vrsettings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.002011 - Unable to read app config file from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/config/appconfig.json. No applications will be available
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.002132 - /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/tools/tools.vrmanifest - App openvr.tool.steamvr_media_player must specify binary_path for launch_type binary. Skipping
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.002153 - /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/tools/tools.vrmanifest - App openvr.tool.steamvr_desktop_gametheatre Working directory /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/tools/steamvr_desktop_game_theater/linux64 is invalid. Skipping. Skipping
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.002346 - /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/resources/config/runtime.vrmanifest - App openvr.component.vrwebhelper binary_path /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/vrwebhelper/vrwebhelper is invalid. SKipping. Skipping
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.003307 - Adding controller type vive_controller
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.003563 - Adding controller type oculus_touch
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.003856 - Adding controller type knuckles
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.028582 - CSharedResourceNamespaceServer sent namespace data: 63214
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.065146 - Add Json firmware manifest from {htc}/firmware/manifest.vrfirmware
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.065228 - Add Json firmware manifest from {indexcontroller}/firmware/manifest.vrfirmware
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.065297 - Add Json firmware manifest from {indexhmd}/firmware/manifest.vrfirmware
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.065356 - Web language is english
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.065399 - [Web] Starting web server on port 27062
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.066163 - New Connect message from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/linux64/vrmonitor (VRApplication_VRMonitor) (Args: -nokillprocess -startupappid 250820 -startupreason steamvr_vrstartup -startupapptype 7) 63068 
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.066339 - AppInfoManager.ProcessConnected BEGIN 63068 /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/linux64/vrmonitor 5 steam.overlay.250820
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.066358 - SetApplicationPid appkey=openvr.component.vrmonitor pid=63068, external transition
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.066369 - SetApplicationPid: Setting app openvr.component.vrmonitor PID to 63068
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.066388 - AppInfoManager.ProcessConnected END
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.066725 - Not loading driver lighthouse because it is disabled in settings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.066738 - Not loading driver oculus because it is disabled in settings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.066747 - Not loading driver oculus_legacy because it is disabled in settings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.067548 - error VRInitError_Init_InterfaceNotFound when initing driver openhmd from /home/redplateaus/vendor/SteamVR-OpenHMD/build/bin/linux64/
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.067565 - Unable to load driver openhmd because of error VRInitError_Init_InterfaceNotFound(105). Skipping.
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.068078 -   driver gamepad implements interfaces IVRSettings_002 ITrackedDeviceServerDriver_005 IVRDisplayComponent_002 IVRDriverDirectModeComponent_005 IVRCameraComponent_003 IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_004 IVRWatchdogProvider_001 IVRVirtualDisplay_002 IVRDriverManager_001 IVRResources_001 IVRCompositorPluginProvider_001 
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.068095 - Loaded server driver gamepad (IServerTrackedDeviceProvider_004) from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/gamepad/bin/linux64/
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.068105 - Driver gamepad has no suitable devices.
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.068114 - Not loading driver null because it is disabled in settings
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.068149 - No connected devices found. Returning best error VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.068161 - Allowing driver load failure VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound for application vrmonitor (63068) because it is VRApplication_VRMonitor
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.084334 - CSharedResourceNamespaceServer sent namespace data: 63214
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.109872 - CSharedResourceNamespaceServer sent namespace data: 63214
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.110175 - New Connect message from /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/vrwebhelper/linux64/vrwebhelper (VRApplication_WebHelper) (Args: ) 63224 
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.135392 - AppInfoManager.ProcessConnected BEGIN 63224 /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/vrwebhelper/linux64/vrwebhelper 8 steam.overlay.250820
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.135524 - Creating builtin app for /home/redplateaus/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/vrwebhelper/linux64/vrwebhelper (VRApplication_WebHelper)
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.135616 - SetApplicationPid appkey=system.generated.vrwebhelper pid=63224, external transition
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.135667 - SetApplicationPid: Setting app system.generated.vrwebhelper PID to 63224
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.135722 - AppInfoManager.ProcessConnected END
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.137461 - Enabling legacy input for system.generated.vrwebhelper
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.141067 - Allowing driver load failure VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound for application vrwebhelper (63224) because it is VRApplication_WebHelper
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.141186 - Processing message VRMsg_Connect from vrwebhelper (63224) took 0.0311 seconds
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.570962 - [Steam] Steam INIT.
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:57.445887 - CSharedResourceNamespaceServer sent namespace data: 63214
Sun Oct 18 2020 02:24:49.519883 - Processing message VRMsg_WritePropertyDataToFile from vrmonitor (63068) took 0.00814 seconds

This line seems particularly relevant:

Sun Oct 18 2020 02:22:55.067565 - Unable to load driver openhmd because of error VRInitError_Init_InterfaceNotFound(105). Skipping.

However, I'm not sure where to begin debugging from here.

TheOnlyJoey commented 3 years ago

Have you setup the UDEV rules correctly? and can you make sure it does work when just using OpenHMD (master) with the OpenGL example? Thanks!