ChristophHaag / SteamVR-OpenHMD

SteamVR plugin for using OpenHMD drivers in SteamVR
Boost Software License 1.0
194 stars 32 forks source link

Is Quake2VR for Linux an open source project? #9

Closed liuty10 closed 3 years ago

liuty10 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am trying to find an Open Source VR game to play on Linux. Is Quake2VR for Linux an open source project? The original link seems invalid now. Do you have a new link to the game or other open source vr game for linux?

TheOnlyJoey commented 5 years ago

Ehh why is this posted in a SteamVR-OpenHMD project? Not really relevant to the project..

Try the gamingonlinux forum or something like that.