ChristopherGLewis / ZertoModule

Powershell Module to wrap the Zerto REST API
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
14 stars 13 forks source link

Enhancement: add -Credential support to Connect-ZertoZVM, Get-ZertoAuthToken #6

Open mtboren opened 6 years ago

mtboren commented 6 years ago

Still enjoying the module, thanks!

To allow for some non-interactive (or less interactive) connection to a Zerto ZVM, it would be useful to have the -Credential parameter on the Connect-ZertoZVM (and, subsequently, the Get-ZertoAuthToken) cmdlets.

Then, a consumer could, say, import some encrypted creds into a PSCredential object, pass them as the value to -Credential, and not need to enter the creds at every Connect operation.

I made a quick commit with some code to this effect at the fork at The Compare & Pull Request comparison view shows the updates nicely.

How does such an enhancement sound to you?


gregklee commented 6 years ago

I updated the functions to allow passing credentials. Here's the code:

Function newGet-ZertoAuthToken { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = 'Zerto Server or ENV:\ZertoServer')] [string] $ZertoServer = ( Get-EnvZertoServer ) , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = 'Zerto Server URL Port')] [string] $ZertoPort = ( Get-EnvZertoPort ), [Parameter( HelpMessage = 'Credentials to connect to Zerto')] $ZertoCredentials )


    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ZertoServer) ) {
        throw "Missing Zerto Server"

    $baseURL = "https://" + $ZertoServer + ":"+$ZertoPort+"/v1/"
    $FullURL = $baseURL + "session/add"
    $TypeJSON = "application/json"
    Write-Verbose $FullURL

    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ZertoCredentials) ) 
        $ZertoCredentials = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your Zerto credentials for '$ZertoServer'"

    If ($ZertoCredentials -NE $null) {
        #Remove  our Zerto Version
        Remove-Item ENV:ZertoToken -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
        Remove-Item ENV:ZertoVersion -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

        # Authenticating with Zerto APIs - Basic AUTH over SSL
        $authInfo = ("{0}\{1}:{2}" -f  $ZertoCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().domain ,  $ZertoCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().UserName,  $ZertoCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password )
        $authInfo = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($authInfo)
        $authInfo = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($authInfo)
        $headers = @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $authInfo)}
        $sessionBody = '{"AuthenticationMethod": "1"}'

        #Need to check our Response.
        try { 
            $xZertoSessionResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $FullURL -Headers $headers -Method POST -Body $sessionBody -ContentType $TypeJSON             
        } catch {
            $xZertoSessionResponse = $_.Exception.Response

        if ($xZertoSessionResponse -eq $null  ) {
            Throw "Zerto Server ${ZertoServer}:${ZertoPort} not responding."
        } elseif ($xZertoSessionResponse.StatusCode -eq "200") {
            $xZertoSession = $xZertoSessionResponse.headers.get_item("x-zerto-session")
            $ZertoSessionHeader = @{"x-zerto-session"=$xZertoSession}
            return $ZertoSessionHeader 
        } else {
            if ($xZertoSessionResponse.StatusCode.value__ -eq "401") {
                Throw "User $ZertoUser not authorized or invalid password."
            return $null
    } else {
        return $null

Function newConnect-ZertoZVM { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage = 'Zerto Server or ENV:\ZertoServer')] [string] $ZertoServer , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = 'Zerto Server URL Port')] [string] $ZertoPort = 9669 , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = 'Credentials to connect to Zerto')] $ZertoCredentials )

Set-Item ENV:ZertoServer $ZertoServer
Set-Item ENV:ZertoPort  $ZertoPort 
Set-Item ENV:ZertoToken ((newGet-ZertoAuthToken -ZertoServer $ZertoServer -ZertoPort $ZertoPort -ZertoCredentials $ZertoCredentials) | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) 
Set-Item ENV:ZertoVersion (Get-ZertoLocalSite).version
