When I use Event.objects.search.query, I receive warning/error:
WARNING:root:Returned object of type Event (<Hit(fbevents/Event/1): {u'long_name': u'blah', u...}>) is not defined in the settings, or is not associated to the same index as in the settings.
However, creating and updating the index with management commands works fine.
My index looks like, in fbevents/bungiesearch_indices.py:
class EventIndex(ModelIndex):
class Meta:
model = Event
indexing_query = Event.objects.all()
fields = ('id', 'name', 'long_name', 'event_date')
I've done an almost identical setup several times before with no problem--only the model details are different.
When I examine the Bungiesearch class, it shows
Bungiesearch._index_to_model - defaultdict(list, {})
Bungiesearch._model_to_index - defaultdict(list, {fbevents.models.Event: []})
It seems to find the model, but not the index. I can't figure out why.
When I use Event.objects.search.query, I receive warning/error:
WARNING:root:Returned object of type Event (<Hit(fbevents/Event/1): {u'long_name': u'blah', u...}>) is not defined in the settings, or is not associated to the same index as in the settings.
However, creating and updating the index with management commands works fine.
My index looks like, in fbevents/bungiesearch_indices.py:
And my settings look like:
I've done an almost identical setup several times before with no problem--only the model details are different.
When I examine the Bungiesearch class, it shows Bungiesearch._index_to_model - defaultdict(list, {}) Bungiesearch._model_to_index - defaultdict(list, {fbevents.models.Event: []})
It seems to find the model, but not the index. I can't figure out why.