Hello, I am a Ph.D student at PolyU. My research interests lies in neural inverse rendering. Your great datasets is is very suitable and challenging for this task! But, inverse rendering task requires groundtruth material (e.g., metallic and roughness) for training and evaluation. Could your please provide groundtruth material of your datasets?
Hi. Our dataset is physically based rendered using laboratory measured IOR. Our dataset does not use base color, metallic attributes, and therefore cannot provide ground truth values for these materials.
Dear author,
Hello, I am a Ph.D student at PolyU. My research interests lies in neural inverse rendering. Your great datasets is is very suitable and challenging for this task! But, inverse rendering task requires groundtruth material (e.g., metallic and roughness) for training and evaluation. Could your please provide groundtruth material of your datasets?
Thank you, Yanrui