ChromeAngel / ModMaker

Utility to help with mod development using the Source game engine
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Creating mod is broken #5

Open aag8a opened 3 years ago

aag8a commented 3 years ago

After typing info of mod, versions 1.5 - 1.9.0 just crashing without error, version 2.0 just stacks on "downloading sources"

ChromeAngel commented 3 years ago

Hi Grey, I've attempted a fix for this and it will be in the next release.

I was unable to reproduce it getting stuck, but the progress bar is not progressing. (Download finishes after about a minute and a half during testing).

The component i'm using, the .NET WebClient assumes a file download will be a reagular file sat on a disk at the webeserver and it's size is therefore known. However the download in this case it from GitHub, which zips a clone of the SDK repo and streams it each time it's requested. GitHub does not tell the WebClient how big the download is going to be, so WebClient reports to ModMaker that it's progress is 0% until it has the last byte. Which is why the progress bar sticks.

The WebClient is also reports to ModMaker the number of bytes downloaded. The new version will shown how much of the SDK has been downloaded, so that you can see it's doing something, even if we cannot tell you how much more there is to go.

Sorry for the delay in answering. I have been out of the modding scene I finished work on Exterminatus over a year ago.