Open jasonLaster opened 9 years ago
It'd be really nice if the protocol viewer showed some sample messages
{ "callFrameId": "{\"ordinal\":0,\"injectedScriptId\":2}", "functionName": "module.exports.Router.extend.index", "location": { "scriptId": "34", "lineNumber": 26642, "columnNumber": 23 }, "scopeChain": [ { "object": { "type": "object", "objectId": "{\"injectedScriptId\":2,\"id\":1}", "className": "Object", "description": "Object" }, "type": "local" }, { "object": { "type": "object", "objectId": "{\"injectedScriptId\":2,\"id\":2}", "className": "Object", "description": "Object" }, "type": "closure" }, { "object": { "type": "object", "objectId": "{\"injectedScriptId\":2,\"id\":3}", "className": "Window", "description": "Window" }, "type": "global" } ], "this": { "type": "object", "objectId": "{\"injectedScriptId\":2,\"id\":4}", "className": "child", "description": "child" } }
agree, though i dont know an easy way to get these that match the version of the protocol we show.
It'd be really nice if the protocol viewer showed some sample messages