ChromeGaming / Dot-Box

Dot-Box is a game where players take turns drawing lines between dots to create boxes. The player who completes the most boxes wins. It's a simple yet strategic game enjoyed by people of all ages.
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[New Feature]: 🎮Implementation of Tutorial and Help Section for Game Rules and Mechanics #98

Open kvdevlopment opened 1 month ago

kvdevlopment commented 1 month ago

🎮 feature Request

feature logic and basic description

Feature Logic: The feature involves integrating a tutorial or help section into the game interface to provide players with clear instructions on game rules and mechanics. Upon accessing the tutorial or help section, players will be presented with comprehensive information detailing the objective of the game, basic rules, gameplay mechanics, turn structure, scoring, and any special features or mechanics. The tutorial or help section will guide players through setting up the game board, understanding how to play, and offer tips and strategies for optimal gameplay. It will be easily accessible from the main menu or through in-game prompts to ensure that players have convenient access to assistance whenever needed.

Feature Brief: The tutorial or help section serves as an invaluable resource for both new and experienced players, offering clarity on game mechanics and fostering a deeper understanding of gameplay strategies. By providing detailed instructions and guidance, the feature enhances the overall user experience and reduces confusion or frustration among players. Accessible at any time during gameplay, the tutorial or help section empowers players to quickly reference rules and mechanics, enabling smoother progression and increased engagement with the game. With this feature, players can confidently navigate the game's complexities, leading to a more enjoyable and rewarding gaming experience overall.

Point down the features

feature points

Comprehensive Instructional Content: The feature will include a thorough explanation of game rules, mechanics, objectives, and any special features or mechanics present in the game.

Clear Visual Presentation: Information will be presented in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format, utilizing text, images, and possibly animations to convey concepts effectively.

Step-by-Step Guidance: Players will be guided through each aspect of the game, from initial setup to advanced strategies, in a logical sequence, ensuring a smooth learning curve.

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Code of Conduct

kvdevlopment commented 1 month ago

Hello @Durgesh4993 Assign me this issue