ChromeGaming / Formation-Absent

Formation Absent is a turn-based puzzle - an abstract representation of a battle. In each of the 13 stages two armies are colliding. As a member of the Green side, you’ll have to restore the lost battle formation of the Green party. Move through the battlefield..
MIT License
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[New Feature]: Database Setup #43

Open TheNaiveSamosa opened 1 month ago

TheNaiveSamosa commented 1 month ago

🎮 feature Request

Database Setup Issue

Issue Title: Complete Database Setup with Provided SQL File

Issue Description:

I have created a comprehensive SQL file that includes the necessary commands to set up the database for the "Formation Absent" game. This file contains the SQL code to create the database, tables, and initial data inserts as per the designed schema. However, I need assistance in ensuring the following:

  1. Validation of SQL File: Verify that the SQL file correctly implements the intended database schema and initial data setup.
  2. Database Setup Instructions: Confirm that the provided setup instructions in the README are clear and accurate for users to follow.
  3. Potential Improvements: Identify any potential improvements or optimizations in the database design or SQL code.

Expected Outcome:

Additional Context:

The current database schema includes tables for users, stages, units, battlefield positions, and moves. Each table's structure and relationships are defined in the SQL file. Ensuring the database design aligns with the game requirements and performs efficiently is crucial for the game's backend functionality.

Feel free to contribute by reviewing the SQL file, testing the setup process, and suggesting any improvements. Your feedback and contributions are greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your attention to this issue. Let's work together to ensure a robust and efficient database setup for "Formation Absent"!

Point down the features

  1. Database Schema Optimization: Review and optimize the database schema to improve performance, reduce redundancy, and ensure scalability as the game data grows.

  2. Data Integrity Constraints: Implement data integrity constraints such as unique constraints, foreign key constraints, and check constraints to maintain data accuracy and consistency.

  3. Indexing Strategy: Design and implement appropriate indexes on tables to optimize query performance, especially for frequently accessed columns or complex queries.

  4. Stored Procedures and Functions: Develop stored procedures and functions to encapsulate complex database operations, improve code modularity, and enhance security by limiting direct access to tables.

  5. Database Backup and Restore: Set up automated database backup and restore processes to ensure data protection and quick recovery in case of data loss or corruption.

  6. Data Migration Scripts: Create migration scripts to handle schema changes and data migrations smoothly, maintaining data integrity during updates or upgrades to the application.

  7. Optimized Queries: Review and optimize SQL queries used in the application to reduce query execution time, minimize resource usage, and improve overall system performance.

  8. Database Monitoring and Performance Tuning: Monitor database performance metrics, identify bottlenecks, and apply performance tuning techniques such as query optimization and resource allocation adjustments.

  9. Error Handling and Logging: Implement robust error handling mechanisms in SQL code to handle exceptions gracefully, log errors for troubleshooting, and maintain audit trails for database activities.

  10. Security Enhancements: Enhance database security by implementing access controls, encryption for sensitive data, and regular security audits to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.

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Code of Conduct

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hey @TheNaiveSamosa! 👋

👉 Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution and will look into it as soon as possible. 👉 Don’t forget to star our Formation-Absent and Follow Us on GitHub 👉 Make sure you join our Discord, we have created separate channels for all projects