ChromeGaming / Spaceship-escort

"Spaceship Escort" is a game where players protect spacecraft from threats in space. Players control escort ships, defend against attacks, and complete missions involving navigation, combat, and strategic decisions.
MIT License
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[Enhancement]: Adding more realistic bgm and sounds to the game. #72

Open VaibhavS0710 opened 1 month ago

VaibhavS0710 commented 1 month ago

Do you want to have the enhancement of existing game ? πŸ˜€ Describe yourself..

Game enhancement: Adding realistic background music and sound effects to the spaceship game will elevate the gaming experience, immersing players in the universe with ambient space sounds and dynamic music tracks. Please add the GSSoC'24 label.

Describe the solution you'd like

Solution steps:

  1. Audio Selection: Choose appropriate background music (BGM) tracks and sound effects that fit the theme and mood of the spaceship game, considering factors like ambiance, intensity, and variety.

  2. Integration: Implement a system within the game code to seamlessly integrate the selected audio assets, ensuring they play at the right times and volumes based on in-game events and actions.

  3. Dynamic Audio: Utilize techniques such as crossfading between tracks, adjusting volume levels dynamically, and triggering sound effects based on player interactions to create a more immersive and responsive audio experience.

  4. Testing and Refinement: Conduct thorough testing to ensure that the audio elements enhance rather than detract from the gameplay. Fine-tune the integration and parameters as needed based on player feedback and testing results.

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Code of Conduct

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hey @VaibhavS0710! πŸ‘‹

πŸ‘‰ Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution and will look into it as soon as possible. πŸ‘‰ Don’t forget to star our Spaceship Escort and Follow Us on GitHub πŸ‘‰ Make sure you join our Discord, we have created separate channels for all projects

VaibhavS0710 commented 1 month ago

@ashu9335 Please assign me this issue and add GSSoC'24 label.

Durgesh4993 commented 1 month ago

@VaibhavS0710 Could you please explain more what you want to do, if possible you can also add screenshot or demo video

VaibhavS0710 commented 1 month ago

@Durgesh4993 I will add the sfx sounds and bgm which will give the realistic feel to the game. What I want to do is that adding relatable sounds and sfx to the game like if spaceship is moving there will be a sound in background which will give the realistic feel of a spaceship moving. Actually I have to search or create the sounds so right now I don't have any reference material.

VaibhavS0710 commented 1 month ago

@ashu9335 @Durgesh4993 please assign me this task under GSSoC'24.