ChromeGaming / Spaceship-escort

"Spaceship Escort" is a game where players protect spacecraft from threats in space. Players control escort ships, defend against attacks, and complete missions involving navigation, combat, and strategic decisions.
MIT License
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[Bug]: start button not working #97

Open SadiyaTahsin29 opened 2 weeks ago

SadiyaTahsin29 commented 2 weeks ago

Give a brief about the bug ✍️

DescriptionMission Briefing Year 13 after climate change. The Earth is uninhabitable.

The last space freighter, carrying 13 million fertilized and cryogenized human ovules and 500 tons of Scriptium (Scm), is on a critical mission. The freighter is headed to robotic bases on inhabitable planets in the star system SAO215398, located 5700 million light-years away. These bases were built over decades in anticipation of Earth's climatic catastrophe.

Scriptium (Scm) is a new synthetic fuel essential for intergalactic travel and defense. It can be extracted from the wreckage of destroyed enemy spacecraft.

Mission Objective: Escort and defend the space freighter to ensure it reaches the bases. If the Scriptium runs out, the mission will fail, and humanity could face extinction.

Challenges: Other civilizations have conflicting interests, making the mission dangerous.

Your Role: As the commander of the last star fleet, you must protect the freighter at all costs.

Ready to embark on this crucial mission?

What is the expected behavior? 🤔


To enhance the accessibility and approachability of the webpage, we should start by increasing the contrast between the text and the background to make it easier to read. Using a more readable font and ensuring that the font size is large enough will significantly improve readability. Simplifying the language used on the page will make the content more approachable for a broader audience.

We should also add descriptive alt text for any images, which will help screen reader users understand the content better. Structuring the content with clear headings and subheadings will improve navigation and ensure that users can easily find the information they need. Additionally, we must make sure the page can be navigated using a keyboard, which is essential for users with disabilities.

Choosing colors that are friendly to colorblind users will make the site accessible to more people. Moreover, adding clear focus indicators to interactive elements like buttons will help users who rely on keyboard navigation to see where they are on the page. These changes will make the webpage not only more accessible but also more welcoming and user-friendly for everyone.

Provide step by step information reproduce the bug 📄


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github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @SadiyaTahsin29! 👋

👉 Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution and will look into it as soon as possible. 👉 Don’t forget to star our Spaceship Escort and Follow Us on GitHub 👉 Make sure you join our Discord, we have created separate channels for all projects

Vibha17 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi I am Vibha Gupta and I would like to fix the issue.

I am working under GSSoC'24. Please assign me this issue.