Closed RBeatse closed 2 years ago
It looks like you edited the file in Wordpad? What editor are you using exactly?
The first time it didn’t work was after I used Wordpad. I then went into the example Conf file and used Notepad and still had the issue. Maybe the hidden codes were there but since they are hidden I don't know how to get rid of them.
This has been fixed. I downloaded and got new conf example files and updated them. The opening of the file in Wordpad corrupted them (obviously) and that was causing the issue.
have been using Snapraid (using the Snapraid-Runner scripts) for a few months and everything works fine. My wife has been moving lots of files around and today I noticed that it is not deleting because the script has a delete threshold of 80. I updated the snapriad-runner.conf file to deletethreshold = 6000 and it died when i tried to run it. This is the message I get
2022-03-10 15:18:01,140 [INFO ] ============================================================
2022-03-10 15:18:01,141 [INFO ] Run started
2022-03-10 15:18:01,141 [INFO ] ============================================================
2022-03-10 15:18:01,142 [INFO ] Running diff...
2022-03-10 15:18:01,161 [OUTERR] Invalid command '{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0' in 'C:/Snapraid/snapraid.conf' at line 1
2022-03-10 15:18:01,462 [ERROR ] Run failed due to unexpected exception:
Traceback (most recent call last:)
File "c:\Snapraid\snapraid-runner-0.5-daily\", line 233, in main
File "c:\Snapraid\snapraid-runner-0.5-daily\", line 260, in run
diff_out = snapraid_command("diff", allow_statuscodes=[2])
File "c:\Snapraid\snapraid-runner-0.5-daily\", line 72, in snapraid_command
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret, "snapraid " + command)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'snapraid diff' returned non-zero exit status 1.
I have tried changing the threshold to -1 which should turn it off completely but I get the same message. I am pretty sure I am saving the file wrong but not sure what I am doing (I can tell in notepad that it is saving as UTF-8), if that matters.