Should you have the time and if possible, could you please consider adding EPU to Tool Upgrade Costs?
I'd like to be able to use conditions to control the upgrade cost are at different points in time based upon the user progress.
Also is it possible to separate each tool in the config and mods code so different cost can be applied per tool instead of just by tool level?
A 3rd possible option of interest would be the ability to create a content pack to be used with Tool Upgrade Costs so that if the content pack is shared as part of a mod that it can overwrite the config file created by Tool Upgrade Costs?
Thank You very much for any time or consideration you can provide to these request.
Hello and thank you for all you fine work.
Should you have the time and if possible, could you please consider adding EPU to Tool Upgrade Costs?
I'd like to be able to use conditions to control the upgrade cost are at different points in time based upon the user progress.
Also is it possible to separate each tool in the config and mods code so different cost can be applied per tool instead of just by tool level?
A 3rd possible option of interest would be the ability to create a content pack to be used with Tool Upgrade Costs so that if the content pack is shared as part of a mod that it can overwrite the config file created by Tool Upgrade Costs?
Thank You very much for any time or consideration you can provide to these request.