ChronixDB / chronix.server

The Chronix Server implementation that is based on Apache Solr.
Apache License 2.0
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Query with multiple cores fails #157

Open shridharV opened 4 years ago

shridharV commented 4 years ago

If we load data into 2 cores, the inserts go thru fine.

If we query any one core at a time, the data comes thru fine.

But if we specific more than one core in the query, the query fails.

There is a time format error.

shridharV commented 4 years ago

We tested Chronix with 2 is comments from one of my colleagues; (This is an old log)

Test Multicore basics

Created 2 cores - chronix & chronix_new (same as chronix)

Store data in both cores by /update to each core with chronological data without batching - Stored 2 timeseries each into chronix & chronix_new (metrics with same name but with different points)

Perform chronix/solr query with shards parameter: I got couple of errors

NullPointerException - Due to unique key is not set. Currently we have commented out the “id”. To shards to work this must be needed. I uncommentout it. This resolve this error.

Conflict version - Solr expects the “version“ field to not set explicitly by our code when unique key is configured in schema. This is resolved by not setting “version” field from code.

ParseException - Could not parse date representation '[1567776032526' - Still debugging it. When I query from one core (without shards param), it returns metrics from that core only. It looks like while using shards the chronix server code not properly parsing the date param (_name:container_memory_utilizationc AND start:NOW-24HOURS AND end:NOW) properly. However When I query without time filter (name:container_memory_utilization_c) it returns metrics from both cores.

The ParseException Trace is as follows:

2019-09-06 13:20:33.184 ERROR (qtp2093010349-27) [ x:chronix] o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase java.text.ParseException: Could not parse date representation '[1567776032526' at at at de.qaware.chronix.solr.query.ChronixQueryHandler.handleRequestBody( at org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase.handleRequest( at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.execute( at org.apache.solr.servlet.HttpSolrCall.execute( at at org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter.doFilter(

Exception tail

2019-09-06 13:20:33.186 INFO (qtp2093010349-24) [ x:chronix_new] o.a.s.c.S.Request [chronix_new] webapp=/solr path=/select params={query_start_long=1567689632527&distrib=false&fl=id&fl=score&shards.purpose=4&start=0&fsv=true&shard.url=localhost:8983/solr/chronix_new&rows=10&version=2&query_end_long=1567776032527&q=name:container_memory_utilization_c+AND+-end:[+TO+1567689632526]+AND+-start:[1567776032526+TO+]&NOW=1567776032527&isShard=true&wt=javabin} status=500 QTime=1 2019-09-06 13:20:33.186 ERROR (qtp2093010349-24) [ x:chronix_new] o.a.s.s.HttpSolrCall null:java.text.ParseException: Could not parse date representation '[1567776032526'