Chronoblog / gatsby-theme-chronoblog

⏳ Chronoblog is a Gatsbyjs theme specifically designed to create a personal website. The main idea of ​​Chronoblog is to allow you not only to write a personal blog but also to keep a record of everything important that you have done.
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Embedding github gists? #19

Open macintacos opened 4 years ago

macintacos commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to embed a GitHub gist into a page, and I can't seem to get it to render. Tried using the script tag that it gives me and it's not working out (and the iframe isn't exactly pretty, but it works). I tried using the gatsby-remark-embed-gist plugin in gatsby and I managed to get all the errors to go away, still doesn't render. Probably because it's not using remark for markdown parsing of the pages, right?

Here's my gatsby-config.js file:

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    siteTitle: 'macintacos',
    siteDescription: 'this is a place where I occasionally write stuff',
    siteImage: '/banner.png', // main image of the site for metadata
    siteUrl: '',
    pathPrefix: '/',
    siteLanguage: 'en',
    ogLanguage: `en_US`,
    author: 'Julian Torres', // for example - 'Ivan Ganev'
    authorDescription: 'this is a place where I occasionally write stuff', // short text about the author
    avatar: '/avatar.jpg',
    twitterSite: '', // website account on twitter
    twitterCreator: '', // creator account on twitter
    social: [
        icon: `twitter`,
        url: ``
        icon: `github`,
        url: ``
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-theme-chronoblog',
      options: {
        uiText: {
          // ui text fot translate
          feedShowMoreButton: 'show more',
          feedSearchPlaceholder: 'search',
          cardReadMoreButton: 'read more →',
          allTagsButton: 'all tags'
        feedItems: {
          // global settings for feed items
          limit: 50,
          yearSeparator: false,
          yearSeparatorSkipFirst: true,
          contentTypes: {
            links: {
              beforeTitle: '🔗 '
        feedSearch: {
          symbol: '🔍'
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
      options: {
        name: `Chronoblog Gatsby Theme`,
        short_name: `Chronoblog`,
        start_url: `/`,
        background_color: `#fff`,
        theme_color: `#3a5f7d`,
        display: `standalone`,
        icon: `src/assets/favicon.png`
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sitemap`
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
      options: {
        plugins: [
            resolve: 'gatsby-remark-embed-gist',
            options: {
              // Optional:

              // the github handler whose gists are to be accessed
              username: 'weirdpattern',

              // a flag indicating whether the github default gist css should be included or not
              // default: true
              includeDefaultCss: true

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

ganevdev commented 4 years ago

So, the problem is that - Chronoblog uses plugin "gatsby-plugin-mdx", and does not use the plugin "gatsby-transformer-remark". The "gatsby-plugin-mdx" plugin itself can work with remark plugins, but they must be declared in "gatsby-plugin-mdx".

That is, I could just add "gatsby-remark-embed-gist" directly to the theme. But of course, I don’t want to pull all possible “remark” plugins into the project.

You can not declare "gatsby-plugin-mdx" in the starter - gatsby does not like it and it gives an error.

So far I see only one solution - try to make an option in Chronoblog, something like gatsbyRemarkPlugins, it should be an array that will be sent to the gatsbyRemarkPlugins option inside "gatsby-plugin-mdx" plugin.

However, maybe there is a more elegant solution? Some more standard way? I want to better explore this issue before adding new options.

macintacos commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply! I'm new to Gatsby in general, so unfortunately I don't think I can give you any pointers on how to tackle this, but what you proposed definitely sounds reasonable. I volunteer to test whatever you come up with, though! 😄

m0rtyn commented 4 years ago


So far I see only one solution - try to make an option in Chronoblog, something like gatsbyRemarkPlugins, it should be an array that will be sent to the gatsbyRemarkPlugins option inside "gatsby-plugin-mdx" plugin.

Where is exacly you advise to add option gatsbyRemarkPlugins? I tried to add it as option of plugin gatsby-plugin-mdx and it's make error with already declared _frontmatter variable.

My gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-mdx',
      options: {
        gatsbyRemarkPlugins: [
            resolve: `gatsby-remark-table-of-contents`,
            options: {
              exclude: 'Table of Contents'

Can you help?

m0rtyn commented 4 years ago

This solution doesn't work for me either

ganevdev commented 4 years ago

Where is exacly you advise to add option gatsbyRemarkPlugins? I tried to add it as option of plugin gatsby-plugin-mdx and it's make error with already declared _frontmatter variable.

Sorry, I probably accidentally confused you 😓.

This was a reflection on how, perhaps, it would be possible to implement this feature in the project (gatsby-theme-chronoblog), and not an instruction on what to do.