Chronostasys / Blazor.Cropper

A blazor library provides component to crop image
MIT License
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Image Upload Issue .NET 6.0 #43

Closed migratingcub closed 2 years ago

migratingcub commented 2 years ago


I'm working on a project targeting .NET 6.0 and seeing the following after setting the Cropper ImageFile property to the uploaded file:


Here is my markup for the InputFile and Cropper

 <InputFile id="profileImageUploader" OnChange="OnInputFileChange" accept="image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/png" />

<Cropper InputId="profileImageUploader" @ref="profileImageCropper" ImageFile="file" CropperHeight="400"
    MaxCropedHeight="MaxImageHeight" MaxCropedWidth="MaxImageWidth" AspectRatio="1" RequireAspectRatio="true"
    InitCropHeight="50" InitCropWidth="50"
    IsCropLocked="false" @bind-Ratio="ratio" PureCSharpProcessing="true"

Here is where I'm setting the ImageFile

async Task OnInputFileChange(InputFileChangeEventArgs args)
    await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("console.log", DateTime.Now.ToString());
    var upload = false;
    file = args.File;
    StringContent content = null;
    var profilePictureString = string.Empty;

    //  Check file type
    var fileExtension = file.ContentType;
    if (new List<string>() { "image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/png" }.Contains(fileExtension) == false)
        //  TODO: show error
        throw new InvalidDataException("wrong file type");

    //  Check file dimensions
    if (file.Size > MaxFileSize)
        //  TODO: show error
        throw new InvalidDataException("file too big");

I tested this in the ServerSideCropperExample project that's available and confirmed that the issue exists there as well.

.NET 5.0 image

.NET 6.0 image

Chronostasys commented 2 years ago

Hi @migratingcub , thanks for using the cropper.
I can't reproduce this bug on my pc. Could you upload the original image you crop?
By the way, are you using server-side blazor?

migratingcub commented 2 years ago

Hi @migratingcub , thanks for using the cropper. I can't reproduce this bug on my pc. Could you upload the original image you crop? By the way, are you using server-side blazor?

Thanks for your reply! Yes, I am using server-side blazor.

Original image here: 6353337


The sample project I'm using is here:

Chronostasys commented 2 years ago

Seems it's the same issue as .
As it's a bug of core 6, I would recommend you to use client side version or turn back to dotnet 5.

migratingcub commented 2 years ago

Seems it's the same issue as Chronostasys/ServerSideCropperExample#1 . As it's a bug of core 6, I would recommend you to use client side version or turn back to dotnet 5.

I was able to get a workaround working with the following:

In the Blazor.Cropper Project, Cropper.razor.cs page,

protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
// ommitted code

if (PureCSharpProcessing || string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputId) || (ext == "gif" && AnimeGifEnable))
    byte[] buffer = new byte[resizedImageFile.Size];

    //await resizedImageFile.OpenReadStream(100000000).ReadAsync(buffer);

    var fileContent = new StreamContent(resizedImageFile.OpenReadStream(1024 * 1024 * 15));
    buffer = await fileContent.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();

   // ommitted code

// ommitted code
Chronostasys commented 2 years ago

Seems it's the same issue as Chronostasys/ServerSideCropperExample#1 . As it's a bug of core 6, I would recommend you to use client side version or turn back to dotnet 5.

I was able to get a workaround working with the following:

In the Blazor.Cropper Project, Cropper.razor.cs page,

protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
// ommitted code

if (PureCSharpProcessing || string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputId) || (ext == "gif" && AnimeGifEnable))
    byte[] buffer = new byte[resizedImageFile.Size];

    //await resizedImageFile.OpenReadStream(100000000).ReadAsync(buffer);

    var fileContent = new StreamContent(resizedImageFile.OpenReadStream(1024 * 1024 * 15));
    buffer = await fileContent.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();

   // ommitted code

// ommitted code

Added this walkaround in 1.2.6. Thanks so much for giving the idea.

migratingcub commented 2 years ago

Seems it's the same issue as Chronostasys/ServerSideCropperExample#1 . As it's a bug of core 6, I would recommend you to use client side version or turn back to dotnet 5.

I was able to get a workaround working with the following: In the Blazor.Cropper Project, Cropper.razor.cs page,

protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
// ommitted code

if (PureCSharpProcessing || string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputId) || (ext == "gif" && AnimeGifEnable))
    byte[] buffer = new byte[resizedImageFile.Size];

    //await resizedImageFile.OpenReadStream(100000000).ReadAsync(buffer);

    var fileContent = new StreamContent(resizedImageFile.OpenReadStream(1024 * 1024 * 15));
    buffer = await fileContent.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();

   // ommitted code

// ommitted code

Added this walkaround in 1.2.6. Thanks so much for giving the idea.

No problem! Happy to help :)